[geo] Comparing MCB v. Aerosol SRM

2015-05-31 Thread Dr D
I've watch the recent Cafe Scientifique videos on aerosol SRM and MCB. And I've read dozens of articles on both. But I've yet to see a comparison of the two approaches? Can anyone point me to a paper comparing the two approaches (MCB v. stratospheric injection of aerosol)? Many thanks. Eric

[geo] Anyone want to help write a clarification on climate engineering me for online journal Contributeria?

2014-06-26 Thread Dr D
Contributeria is an online news journal where anyone (including non-climatologist like me) can propose an article. If there are sufficient votes, the article will be published and, probably, widely distributed. My motivation is that I am tired of reading criticism of climate engineering that

[geo] *Seeing* carbon-capture minerals using electron microscopy

2013-09-12 Thread Dr D
I thought listers who are interested in carbon capture might appreciate this micrograph of trapped CO2. Might be useful for your slides... http://www.flickr.com/photos/pnnl/8146324880/in/photostream/ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups geoengineering

[geo] Temp extremes with moderate climate change?

2013-07-06 Thread Dr D
We just experienced 45+ degrees C in western US. Can any climate modelers tell me whether extremes (not averages) of more than 60 C are possible? Or is there some reason why 57.7 might still remain a temp record for many decades? Bonus: I know that humans can survive 57 C and higher but

[geo] Nice but unrealistic carbon capture project?

2013-06-06 Thread Dr D
Instead of sharing a paper, below is a 5 min video from the New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/video/2013/06/06/science/10002262388/reaching-for-the-sky.html The Archangel Project wants to take cuttings from giant trees (Sequoias), propagate them in the millions, and plant thousands

[geo] Lasers to brighten clouds?

2013-06-05 Thread Dr D
Is this applicable to marine cloud brightening? http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/05/30/1222190110 Abstract Potential impacts of lightning-induced plasma on cloud ice formation and precipitation have been a subject of debate for decades. Here, we report on the interaction of

[geo] Kickstarter funding to develop robot to repair coral

2013-05-26 Thread Dr D
There is a kickstarter project to develop a robot that can help repair coral due, in part, to climate change. Unfortunately they are roughly $US 60,000 short of their goal. Here is the kickstarter website if you are interested in this and can help.

[geo] Appendum: Climate modeling software for the Mac

2013-03-06 Thread Dr D
Mac modelers might find this interesting... http://www.brown.edu/Research/Environmental_Physics/Environmental_Physics/Code.html Any comments or warnings for amateur modelers welcomed! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups geoengineering group. To

[geo] Better Climate Simulation Model?

2013-03-06 Thread Dr D
I am curious what climate modelers think of the following paper Basically, the authors want to simulate climate forcers rather than every single area in a climate model Climate scientists might have missed this paper as it was published in a physics journal Summary for the public:

[geo] A good science episode or weak?

2013-02-14 Thread Dr D
Though it does not mention geoengineering, this Koch-funded NOVA episode shows how satellite observations discover and map the influence of Antarctica on climate, the Sahara dust on precipitation, and other cycles that people here may not realize. I learned a lot and I was wondering if any

[geo] Is glacier ablation covering a dead-end geoengineering technique?

2013-01-03 Thread Dr D
I just watched the not-too-bad Project Earth episode on the feasibility of covering the melting part (is this called the ABLATION zone?) of Greenland glaciers with special plastic. They concluded that it does work, it will probably help, but too much carbon would be emitted making the acres of

[geo] Will Quantum Computing REALLY improve modeling geoengineering effects?

2012-12-18 Thread Dr D
Can someone referred me to a paper that explores whether quantum computing will really improve climate modeling in general and geoengineering effects in particular? I thought I had read that better supercomputers will help but that quantum computing does not add greatly to accuracy of climate