Lowa <!>
The scientific literature on the co-impacts of low-carbon energy
systems—positive and negative side effects—has focused intently on climate
mitigation, or climate adaptation. It has not systematically examined the
prospective co-impacts of carbon removal (or negative emissions) and solar
geoengineering. Based on a large sample of diverse expert interviews (N =
125), and using a sociotechnical approach, in this study we identify 107
perceived co-impacts related to the deployment of carbon removal and solar
geoengineering technologies. Slightly less than half (52) were identified
as positive co-impacts (38 for carbon removal, 14 for solar
geoengineering), whereas slightly more than half (55) were identified as
negative co-impacts (31 for carbon removal, 24 for solar geoengineering).
We then discuss 20 of these co-impacts in more depth, including positive
co-impacts for nature-based protection, the expansion of industry, and
reduction of poverty or heat stress as well as negative co-impacts for
water insecurity, moral hazard, limited social acceptance and path
dependence. After presenting this body of evidence, the paper then
discusses and theorizes these co-impacts more deeply in terms of four
areas: relationality and risk-risk trade-offs, co-deployment and coupling,
intentional or unintentional implications, and expert consensus and
dissensus. It concludes with more general insights for energy and climate
research, and policy.

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