Interesting public framing article from last week:

Some may remember the Rio Earth Summit 
<>. History points to it as a 
turning point, when international co-operation “got serious” around a 
shared problem: dumping carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) into the atmosphere. 
It happened back in 1992, right as the lures of “climate intervention” were 
gripping the power structure, who were beginning to conspire yet another 
quick, cheap, and easy way to escape limits set by nature, while continuing 
to sweep the long-term damages under the rug. Of course regional weather 
has been messed with for many decades prior, with lots of damage to 
ecosystems, but climate intervention takes manipulations to the global 
scale; it’s a “move-the-sulfur” approach, taking it from smokestacks and 
putting it into the stratosphere. Grounded on a deep belief in human 
exceptional-ism and mastery over the rules that govern the universe, the 
power structure has once again turned to faith in scientific-ism as 
religion, and their scientist priesthood push the “geoengineering” agenda 
as the next phase in building an “Earthy paradise” free from all 
constraint. “Albedo enhancement” technologies that shield Earth from 
incoming sunlight are the preferred option to dealing with global warming, 
because it requires little behavioral change to business as usual, it can 
reduce risks to current generations almost immediately, and it sings 
harmonically with the tune of “endless growth.” Without solar engineering, 
the only option would be to allow Earth to restore herself, by us 
relinquishing our command, and face the harsh realities of suffering 
consequences from a warmed planet for millennia. The scientific approach is 
pitched as a more “humane way” to deal with the climate pickle we’re all 
stuck in together. Weather warfare began back in WWII, yet decades of 
command and control have only made things worse, not better. More of the 
same thinking, continued tinkering, will only remove more parts of nature 
that can never be brought back. Nature can only be poked at so long before 
she erupts in anger against her attacker.

Interestingly, at the same time the power structure assembled in Rio for 
the Earth Summit twenty-three years ago, they were also busy banging out 
the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which became the World 
Trade Organization (WTO). These two contradicting worlds (climate change 
negotiating and free trade) collided to fashion “sustainable development.” 
But since then, human emissions have only skyrocketed! In fact, 26% of all 
human produced emissions ever dumped into the atmosphere since 
industrialization, occurred over the past three decades! The public may be 
under the impression that U.S. leaders don’t “believe” in climate science 
or global warming. But that’s false. It’s all about the frame! In an 
engineering culture, all problems have solutions. If humans created global 
warming, then humans will re-engineer things to eliminate the problem. 
Admitting to global warming under a “geoengineering frame” does not make 
sense, because another techno-fix will be devised. If we engineered a 
problem, then we can engineer a solution; so global warming is just a 
matter of continued intervention in Earth’s climate system. If humans are 
responsible, then humans will resolve it – scientific-ism preaches. But 
often with complex systems, there’s the butterfly effect, the unanticipated 
surprises of chaos, when the cure can be much worse than the disease. It 
becomes a game of always prescribing new aliments for the side effects 
caused from the previous interventions – always having to up the ante to 
maintain satisfaction, creating further destruction of life processes. It’s 
become a super wicked problem where nemesis is meeting hubris. But, 
survival resources that create the foundation of life cannot simply be 
fixed, nor substituted and replaced by more technology. Disrupting the 
rain, the sunlight, the ability of Earth to respond to our assault and cool 
herself, is only making the situation much more dangerous.

Check any mainstream source today about solar geoengineering and spraying 
sulfur intentionally to cool Earth, and somewhere it’s guaranteed to 
compare the process to what large volcanic eruptions naturally do. It’s 
been dubbed the “Mt. Pinatubo Option,” after the large eruption that cooled 
the planet in 1991. But really, it’s coal power plants around the world 
that are the “world’s volcano,” constantly erupting nonstop, turning down 
the sunlight across the planet, shooting up a continuous supply of sulfur 
aerosols into our shared global atmosphere. Dirty pollution from Asia and 
across the world increases Earth’s “albedo” (not to be mixed up with 
libido, albedo is simply science-speak for the measurement of how 
reflective something is, where Earth’s albedo is measured in W/m-2). 
Burning fossil fuels has “accidentally” increased atmospheric albedo – the 
reflectivity of Earth’s atmosphere – which dims incoming sunlight and masks 
the average temperature of Earth in relation to our CO2 forcing. In other 
words, sulfur pollution from combustion is a form of “unintentional” solar 
radiation management. This, we’re all contributing to, each time we plug 
something into the wall, order a cheap product made in Asia, eat a 
hamburger, take a hot shower, or drive a car.

Today, we know why the power structure is hiding. In the late 80s, 
industrial rich countries began shifting their industry to the “developing 
world,” places that were happy to have a chance to join in the “good life” 
of economic success. Billions of people have been lifted from “poverty” as 
result, but it was not accomplished sustainably. If anything, massive 
industrialization in Asia has only made the risk of both economic and 
ecological collapse even greater, and the fall harder than it otherwise 
would be if leaders had just let the game end right then. But no. Instead, 
one of the first official acts George H. W. Bush did when he took 
presidential office was sign into law the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments 
(1990 CAAA), which placed heavy regulation over sulfur pollution on 
America’s industries. Not an expected response from a Republican President 
following the Regan era of deregulation and laissez-faire. What was his 
motivation? Bush needed to address a mounting smog and acid rain crisis, 
and the amendments eased public concerns by adding Article IV-A to the Clean 
Air Act <>, 
requiring coal power plants in the U.S. to use coal with “low sulfur” 
content and install smokestack scrubbers on major polluting sources like 
power plants, that would clean the sulfur from the emissions and prevent 
their release into the atmosphere. Strangely, David Keith, the most 
recognizable scientist in the geoengineering debate, helped design the 
technology to scrub sulfur from smokestacks, and sell the techno-fix to 
industry! Not surprisingly then, today he is also part of Carbon Engineering 
<>, a company that is presently developing a 
system to capture carbon dioxide from the ambient air.

Since the sulfur pollution was “accidentally” increasing the albedo of the 
atmosphere, the 1990 CAAA would unmask global dimming. As the world shifts 
from dirty to clean economies, our sulfur pollution will be cleaned out of 
the air, and the albedo of the atmosphere will decrease, becoming less 
reflective, and allowing more sunlight in. A replacement must be found to 
maintain this shielding from the sun, say the power structure, otherwise 
the true folly of our human existence and unsustainable relationship with 
the natural world will be exposed! The big cover-up will be impossible to 
hide. Like with hiding a pregnancy, eventually the baby will be born. The 
gig would be up, and the bubble would pop! For the power structure, “albedo 
becomes a critical part of the climate plan, because losing the current 
reflectiveness of the atmosphere exposes Earth’s ecosystems to further 
dangerous temperature spikes. The 1990 CAAA just shifted the pollution 
burden from the West to Asia, to buy time to allow scientists to design a 
more permanent solution to the “problem.”

But now leaders are grasping straws, because the choking pollution in Asia 
is demanding response from their public, and the planet is in meltdown. 
Factories in Asia, the thousands of coal power plants built over the past 
decade, do not have Keith’s scrubbers to remove the sulfur from the 
pollution. The coal used in Asia has high sulfur content and is illegal to 
burn as a fuel source in the U.S. These were conscious policy choices made 
by the power structure in the early 90’s to keep the dream alive. Rather 
than a massive scaling down of our ecological overdraw from nature, the 
issue of “solar radiation management” (SRM) became the preferred pathway 
for bypassing natural limits to economic growth, and was disguised as a 
global “conspiracy” to drive fear and confusion and keep people lulled to 
sleep and disinterested. Policymakers intentionally shifted this 
“accidental” modification resulting from industrialization of the West, to 
another region of the planet. Where do we draw the line of distinction 
between “intentional” and “unintentional” SRM? And what do we make of the 
ongoing disruption to the biogeochemical cycles of Earth? What of the 
bioaccumulation of heavy metals washing from the atmosphere, which end up 
in our water, our body, our soil and food?

Shouldn’t we be precautionary and not make choices today that are 
irreversible for those after us? Isn’t it scandalous to intentionally hide 
a problem, while continuing to produce throw away goods and expand fossil 
fuel use? The power structure shifted the sourcing of sulfur pollution 
necessary for maintaining the enhancement of Earth’s atmospheric albedo to 
Asia, and kept the world from seeing that everything’s actually a mess. 
Instead of exposing the issue and decarbonizing, they prescribed a new 
techno-fix to deal with the unintended side effects created by accidentally 
increasing the albedo of the atmosphere from industrialization, and 
consulted nobody. SRM effects Earth’s hydrologic cycle, its water system, 
and shreds stratospheric ozone that allows UVB light to penetrate to 
Earth’s surface. And now the power structure aims to prescribe the next fix 
in its long-line of tinkering, a stratospheric shield of titanium dust 
particles in the shape of diamonds, 0.1 microns – small little buggers! The 
spraying we all see over our towns is low to the ground, and has regional 
effects on weather systems. They can cover an entire continental land mass 
with cloud decks with these methods. That’s the “old” technology, the first 
generation, which allowed scientists to gather their data for computer 
modeling. But the new technology, the next generations, deemed the “solar 
shield,” will envelop the entire globe, where diamond dust will be dumped 
way up-high in the stratosphere, where one cannot even see an airplane 
flying from the ground without binoculars.

As industry sprang up at a warlike pace in Asia, thanks to the global power 
structure’s plan, air pollution in the West has become less contentious of 
a public issue. The industrialized Western world has come to adore “low 
prices” and bargain buys made possible by companies exploiting faraway 
places. People consciously choose not to connect the suffocating air 
pollution in China with ramping-up production of the new Apple Watch. They 
choose not to associate their lifestyles with contributing to the SRM 
albedo dilemma. To consumers, ignoring the problem is preferred. That’s why 
many people might just think that SRM is fine, or even a good idea when 
they learn about it for the first time, and be OK with it, and not allow 
themselves to see the obvious right up overhead that’s kept them fooled all 
along. People are not thinking very clearly these days; they allow their 
own observations to deceive them. It’s a hard pill to swallow, accepting 
this reality, because it means we are just chasing shadows of dreams that 
don’t exist. This fall, in Paris, a renewed (yet familiar) call for a 
“universal climate deal” is being peddled by the power structure as “the 
last chance for humanity,” a small window of time to take needed action in 
keeping global warming from rocketing into total catastrophe (as though we 
are not already there). The plan assumes geoengineering, and the debate is 
going public!! Get ready activists, because when it does, there will be a 
war on for our minds! The American public is OK with many surprising 
things, so it may be hopelessly optimistic to believe that the American 
public will be outraged when its government finally admits that they were 
spraying to “protect” everybody. The framing is strong, and people are 
happy with their simple pleasures and mindless pursuits. We all need to 
remain focused, now more than ever! Keep pushing the ball forward to 
disrupt the geoengineering “frame,” and block minds from getting misled!


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