[geo] EU Parliament

2011-10-13 Thread J.L. Reynolds
I've not seen this mentioned on the list. The EU Parliament recently approved the statement that is Expresses its opposition to proposals for large scale geo-engineering http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P7-TA-2011-0430+0+DOC+XML+V0//ENlanguage=EN at paragraph

Re: [geo] EU Parliament

2011-10-13 Thread Andrew Lockley
Excellent news - provided that they also agree simultaneously to immediately cease all emissions of all greenhouse gases from the entire EU. As long as the whole world then ratifies that at Rio then we will probably be just fine. (if sulfur and methane effects don't bite us, that is)

Re: [geo] EU Parliament

2011-10-13 Thread Stephen Salter
Hi All The next thing they will have to do is define 'large scale'. Stephen Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design Institute for Energy Systems School of Engineering Mayfield Road University of Edinburgh EH9 3JL Scotland Tel +44 131 650 5704 Mobile 07795 203 195 www.see.ed.ac.uk/~shs On

Re: [geo] EU Parliament

2011-10-13 Thread rongretlarson
the issue is different in your mostly SRM world. What is your answer? Ron - Original Message - From: Stephen Salter s.sal...@ed.ac.uk To: geoengineering@googlegroups.com Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:16:26 AM Subject: Re: [geo] EU Parliament Hi All The next thing they will have