JUL 16 2018

*Duncan McLaren’s blog post on climate justice and climate modelling
(below) highlights important findings and shortcomings of existing research
on geoengineering, particularly Solar Radiation Management (SRM – see our
fact sheet here
However, the Geoengineering Monitor team does not share all his views – in
particular the openness to eventual deployment of geoengineering

*by Duncan McLaren*

Over the past six years I’ve been studying geoengineering from a
perspective of climate justice. Since the Copenhagen Summit it has seemed
to me that geoengineering is a ‘climate fix’ in waiting. So I’ve been
trying to understand whether it could or might contribute to climate
justice. As part of that quest I looked closely at the results of those
geoengineering modelling studies which sought to tell us something about
the distribution of the consequences of (theoretical) geoengineering –
notably through Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)

The results of my review of modelling approaches were recently published
in the journal Energy Research and Social Science
<>. I
found that the models suggested varying distributional effects, depending
on the assumptions and presumptions of the modellers. Most models suggest
that global SAI designed to lower temperatures would result in many gains,
but also a new pattern of winners and losers. SAI would not perfectly
repair or restore a climate distorted by excess greenhouse gas emissions.
It is difficult to say exactly which areas would lose and gain in the
interplay of changes in temperatures, precipitation and other climate
extremes. But what I found particularly interesting was the tendency of
modellers to design ever more complicated schemas for SAI that would
minimise, or even eliminate the areas in which novel climates would arise
in the models. Of course, in the real world, trade-offs and conflicts over
desirable climates would likely remain. Nonetheless, based on such
modelling, a number of academics seem to have concluded that under SAI it
may be possible to largely avoid additional harms. Moreover – because the
damages from climate change most heavily impact poorer people, and those
damages could be reduced by SAI – some suggest that there may be therefore
a moral duty to geoengineer.

This is of course, a very paternalist interpretation of the climate problem
and possible responses. In this blog I do not want to go further into the
alternative ethical approaches which might suggest different responses.
Rather I want to cast light on some key features of the modelling which I
believe have contributed to an overly rosy view of the potential for SAI.

First is a tendency of modellers to contrast their geoengineered worlds
with business as usual trends in greenhouse gas emissions – often using a
baseline of a quadrupling of levels of CO2 in the atmosphere – thus
(notionally) replacing virtually all mitigation effort with geoengineering.
Virtually no one contrasts geoengineering with plausible mitigation
scenarios (or models geoengineering as a supplement to such interventions.
This practice effectively ignores the risk of moral hazard (that
consideration of geoengineering might deter mitigation) – or worse,
potentially contributes to it, by representing geoengineering as an
alternative response to climate change: a discursive substitute for
mitigation. I cannot stress enough that *this is not intentional* on the
part of the modellers: they contrast futures in this way to make the
differences clearer in their analysis, not to represent geoengineering as
an alternative to mitigation. But the result is misleading, and as
unhelpful as it would be to model geoengineering only against a
pre-industrial climate to which no amount of mitigation could return us. We
need more detailed modelling in the messy spaces of partial and varying
mitigation if we are to understand what, if any, benefit geoengineering
could provide, and mot mislead policy makers into seeing it as an
alternative to mitigation.

Second is a tendency of modellers to seek global pareto outcomes (where
winners could notionally compensate losers), as if geoengineering would be
designed and run by a benevolent global planner, rather than by highly
diverse, fractious and self-interested states and (at best) conflicted
international organisations. As a result the possibility (perhaps
likelihood) of geoengineering designed to directly serve the climatic and
financial interests of the rich and powerful is largely overlooked, even
though this seems perhaps the most likely route through which SAI might
come to be practiced.

Third and related to the second, is the way in which SAI geoengineering in
the models is carefully modulated and targeted – with injections undertaken
at particular latitudes, and particular seasons. This is easy in the model
worlds, but massively outstrips our technical understanding of detailed
climate responses *and *our technical capacity to make such interventions
in the real world. Not only is the technology imaginary, but so are the
control methods, and the tools to monitor and understand the impacts of
interventions. In this reality, where we cannot even be confident of doing
SAI at all, it is profoundly dangerous to imply that such geoengineering
could be delicately controlled and modulated so as to minimise negative
impacts. Moreover, once again the result risks *inflating* the appearance
of SAI as a plausible *substitute* for mitigation, rather than – again as
these modellers aspire to – at most a supplement to slow climate change
whilst mitigation is accelerating and taking effect.

In all these areas I see clever research, but a worrying political naivety.
Methods, standards, assumptions and more have been established for
modelling in the ivory tower of research, rather than through engagement
with policy makers and publics. Paradoxically this is in part – I suspect –
a product of the politicisation of climate change, which has encouraged
researchers to seek to defend the academic purity of climate science.
Research is seen as striving for objective truths that can – somehow –
persuade policy makers to resist the pleadings of special interests and the
obfuscations of denialists.

Yet there is – I think – a further source for the tendencies outlined here,
and discussed at greater length in the paper. Again it is well-motivated.
Climate researchers share a common liberal culture and background, in which
particular ideas of justice are dominant. Their presumptions about justice
can be traced through the practical methods set out in the literature.
Those presumptions are strongly consequential (outcomes are what matter,
not motivations or character), and often, indeed, narrowly utilitarian,
with little recognition of differences in interests or vulnerability
amongst groups affected by climate change or geoengineering. The result is
that procedural justice, justice expressed as capabilities, and justice as
recognition are all devalued in the process. And for geoengineering, all
these aspects of justice would appear to be as important as the
distribution of harms and benefits. There have been some important efforts
to engage a broader scientific community – including in the global South –
by the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative, but these still
fall short of offering genuine procedural justice to affected communities.
At a minimum such procedural justice would imply provisions covering the
rights provided in Europe under the Aarhus convention: access to
information, participation in decision making, and access to the courts to
challenge decisions. I hope that my paper will stimulate some reflexiveness
amongst scientists and modellers regarding the implications of their often
unexplored beliefs about justice.

In conclusion however, I must stress that my research does not constitute
an argument against research into solar geoengineering, nor does it even
definitively reject deployment. It merely highlights further the pitfalls
that can arise from undertaking technical and technological research
ill-informed by ethical principles and wide-ranging public engagement and
deliberation. If climate justice is to be achieved we cannot go on
presuming unquestioningly that everyone shares the morals, values and
interests of the wealthy, northern, mainly white, mainly male, liberal
elite that dominates academia.

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