
I've moderated this list since its inception, and now I'm also the list
"owner". Others have historically joined this moderator role, but aren't
presently active.

Being a moderator does not give any special posting privileges or posting
responsibilities. Contribution of stories to the list is separate, but many
people think the two are linked ("please post this to the list" is a
frequent request in my email).

Moderation involves the following tasks.
1) removing members from moderation, so they can post instantly. This is
presently done effectively by default for academics, and done typically for
members of the public
2) approving individual posts for anyone who's moderated. This is done by
default, as long as the content is relevant and non-trivial.
3) very occasionally reversing (1) for poor behaviour, and in extremis
issuing permanent bans (only 1 or 2 bans for humans in the entire history
of the group - eg for harvesting emails and spamming).

As you can see from recent pointed personal criticism of my research on
this list, I'm making no effort to misuse my moderator privileges to steer
debate in my personal favour. I've actually been arguably more tolerant of
ad hominem attacks on myself than I would be on others - having issued
exactly zero warnings for recent posts. I hope list members value the
service and trust its independence from my views and research.

However, some people may seek a change to the status quo - for whatever
reason. I'm happy to add more moderators, and potential also relinquish my
day-to-day engagement in moderation, if that was felt desirable. I'm
neither the world's best moderator nor the world's most respected
geoengineering expert. A new moderator could be a researcher, or an
independent administrator (eg Ayesha, who is paid to post new material to
the list).

I would also be amenable to discussing a change of list owner - essentially
permanently removing me from any oversight of the group. This would be a
big step, and could well have irreversible and very negative consequences,
eg someone shutting down the list in a Trojan Horse attack.

Feedback and volunteering offers are welcome.

Andrew Lockley

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