Agriculture in humid areas with poorly-buffered soils typically now spreads 
ground limestone to buffer rain's natural and artificial acidity, releasing 
carbon dioxide from the calcium carbonate rock dust. As an alternative, 
alkaline magnesium-rich mafic rock can be ground and spread instead, 
absorbing CO2 while buffering acidity. Some of these rock types, for 
example the kimberlite mine waste from which diamonds are mined, are rich 
in potassium and other agriculturally-useful elements, so these could be 
doubly beneficial.


On Friday, September 11, 2015 at 9:15:21 AM UTC-4, andrewjlockley wrote:
> Iceland’s Turning Greenhouse Gases Into Stone
> Posted on September 8, 2015
> by Hannah Brown
> Positioned near the Hellisheidi Power Plant in Iceland, researchers at 
> CarbFix, a $10 million project funded by Reykjavic Energy, the United 
> States Department of Energy, and the EU, among others, combines water and 
> carbon dioxide, compressed to the point that is in its liquid form, and 
> injects the mixture thousands of feet down into balsatic rock, a reactive 
> volcanic rock that makes up almost the entirety of Iceland’s foundation, as 
> well as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in general. The combination of carbon 
> dioxide and water interacts with the rock as it releases calcium and 
> magnesium and turns into the original mixture into limestone. Initially the 
> model predicted that the process would take 5 years but CarbFix has found 
> that it happens much faster than expected, essentially completing the 
> transformation of carbon dioxide into limestone within one year. (
> The team involved prefers not to label this method as a form of CO2 
> storage because, in fact, the CO2 is completely transformed. Instead, they 
> refer to this process as “mineral carbonation.” The researchers say that 
> this alternative to CO2 storage is, though initially more costly, 
> cost-effective as the years progress. They argue that as opposed to CO2 
> storage, there is no chance that the CO2 could leak during its 
> transformation process and therefore does not need the extensive monitoring 
> that storage options require.
> While this is all intriguing, some observers of CarbFix see the project as 
> a misuse of funds and a misdirection of thought. Instead of funding 
> research that releases us from the grasp of fossil fuel dependency, CarbFix 
> and its procedure act almost like a bandaid. Instead of addressing the crux 
> of the problem, they pose a superficial fix to the issue’s consequences. In 
> this pessimistic view, CarbFix is unnecessary, but I believe that just as 
> Dr. Matter, one of the lead CarbFix researchers and geochemists at the 
> University of Southampton, says in an interview with The New York Times 
> “the problem is big enough…we need many solutions.” CarbFix is not going to 
> solve the issue of climate change on its own, but it can have an impact and 
> ameliorate the negative effects that are currently occurring. (
> )

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