Conferences on several CDR methods

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The Global Carbon Removal Partnership is planning its formal launch at
COP26 in November. Its predecessor, the Global Carbon Removal Task Force,
has built incredible momentum in terms of supporting the development of
carbon removal markets and policies. This session will describe some of the
progress and challenges that the group has faced, as well as its vision for
the future.
Restoring our climate requires that we remove the excess CO2 from our
atmosphere. But how can we remove it efficiently and inexpensively? And
where can we put it? This session will focus on the enormous opportunities
to convert CO2 into rock that can be used in myriad ways.
A growing number of voices urgently pushing for climate action has come
from the passionate hearts and minds of the world’s youth! In this panel
you will hear from youth leaders around the world in their efforts to
change and lead the way in the climate movement and climate restoration.
The carbon offset market has emerged as way for corporations to limit their
carbon footprint by purchasing credits that can remove carbon from the
atmosphere. In recent months, criticisms have emerged that question whether
the current marketplace is enough. During this session, we will hear from
Puro.Earth, a company that is going further by selling measurable and
verifiable carbon removal projects. We will learn about the challenges and
opportunity as well as the emerging view from the investor community on why
this work is critical.
As we explore all the various approaches that are available to us to
clean-up and safely store CO2 to restore our climate, we need to remember
the potential of the ocean to contribute to cleaning up legacy carbon
pollution. At 70% of earth’s surface, the ocean already plays a leading
role in cycling carbon and there are a number of different ways we could
build on the power of the ocean to clean up and safely store carbon. Ocean
Visions has spent the last year convening experts from around the globe to
develop a series of technology road maps that lay out critical pathways to
accelerate the development and testing of ocean-based approaches to carbon
dioxide removal. This session will provide an overview of the importance of
ocean-based CDR and Ocean Visions road map efforts.
While environmental justice and climate justice are becoming central to the
focus of climate policy, awareness and support is continuing to grow for
carbon removal to be incorporated into the strategy to curb warming to 1.5
°C. This fireside chat will discuss the importance of incorporating equity
and environmental justice into the work of carbon removal while
establishing pathways to do so.
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) is scheduled to
be held in the city of Glasgow, Scotland this November. During this session
we will hear from COP26 insiders on the latest plans for the Forum;
opportunities for climate restoration to be discussed and other updates
considering the  impacts of COVID-19 on the potential for a large in-person
convening. Panelists will provide perspectives from both the government and
civil society perspectives.
The Foundation needs a strong and vibrant network of local chapters
worldwide to effect policy and change the overall response to how our
communities look at climate change issues. Reducing CO2 and its footprint
is going to require understanding the technology and solutions necessary to
remove carbon from the stream heading into the atmosphere. Creating a space
for solutions to be supported and scaling them up will help implement these
changes to reach our goal of 300 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere
in 2050.
New science shows that natural climate solutions can deliver up to a third
of emissions reductions needed by 2030 while drawing down carbon and
providing co-benefits to people and the planet. This session explores how
innovative and cost-effective, nature-based processes can be used to combat
climate change, promote environmental justice, and create new bio-economy
To restore the climate, it’s not enough to have effective solutions. In
order to reach the scale needed to have a real impact, we need to create a
supportive policy environment that will promote the implementation and
scale-up of those solutions. The government has many opportunities to
contribute to climate restoration: through its procurement power, its
subsidies and tax credits, its regulations, and more. In this session,
experts will discuss some of the key opportunities and challenges they see
in using U.S. policy as a lever to enable large-scale carbon dioxide
removal for the purpose of restoring the climate.
Faith leaders wield incredible power to shift the tides of their
communities’ perspectives. When faith communities turn their attention to
an issue, previously unforeseeable progress can be made. Now, faith leaders
are calling upon global leaders and their own communities to take
meaningful action on climate change. With faith communities as an integral
part of the movement, climate restoration can come into closer focus.
This session will highlight the climate restoration solutions currently in
the consumer goods marketplace. Our intention is to showcase the breadth of
ways that carbon removal technologies are increasingly being utilized in
goods that everyday consumers can relate with and to indicate that the
“idea” of permanently removing legacy carbon from the atmosphere is
happening today and growing. Understanding the journeys of these three very
different companies will give our audience a better sense of their
motivation as well as the shift in investor and public interest in their
products. We will get their perspectives on the direction this burgeoning
industry is heading along with obstacles and challenges they must overcome
to meet their long-term business objectives.
In the climate restoration movement, leaders are clear that carbon dioxide
removal (CDR) will need to be scaled up rapidly in order to restore the
climate. New approaches will be needed to complement existing solutions in
order to reach the scale needed. XPRIZE is on the leading edge of this
work, creating an incentive prize with support from the Musk Foundation to
support innovators developing new CDR solutions. This session will focus on
the principles and lessons we can take away from this XPRIZE competition
and what it means for the future of CDR.


The Foundation for Climate Restoration is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization with EIN 82-3487365. All donations are tax-deductible to the
full extent of the law.

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