The human factor limits hope of climate fixes

Engineering the climate can help lower temperatures and reduce climate
change impacts. New research shows that when accounting for human behavior,
climate engineering leads to significant economic and social risks. In a
first-of-its-kind laboratory experiment, researchers found that both
rational and irrational factors in the decision to fix the climate leads to
welfare losses and increased inequality. The paper, published in the
journal *PNAS*, casts new doubts over the feasibility of large-scale
climate interventions.

Climate engineering provides solutions that directly affect the incoming
radiation from the sun and are able to rapidly offset the temperature
increase. These technologies open new scenarios on the management of the
risks related to climate <> change, on the
need to contain the warming of the planet within two degrees Celsius as
defined by international agreements
<>, on the strategies that
individual states, or coalitions of states, can put in place to avoid
negative impacts related to climate.

An international team of scientists conducted the first-of-its-kind
laboratory experiment to test how behavioral and strategic factors shape
the economic outcomes of climate geoengineering

Researchers from a number of research groups have taken into consideration
the governance challenges arising from the prospects opened by
geoengineering, and the results are reported in the article "Solar
geoengineering may lead to excessive cooling and high strategic
uncertainty," recently published in the journal *Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science*.

Based on a geoengineering model, the experiment conducted by the research
group showed that countries wanting a cooler climate employ geoengineering
to reach it even if by doing so they impose it on others who would prefer a
warmer climate—an outcome called "free driving." This strategic, rational
behavior leads to too much geo-engineering, and results in increased
inequalities and economic losses. The experiment also studied the
possibility of retaliation through counter-geoengineering solutions. Here,
results how behavioral motives lead to high variability in geoengineering
outcomes, with detrimental economic and equity consequences.

"Miscoordination among countries increases under counter-geoengineering,"
says Anna Abatayo, research fellow at Bocconi University.

Riccardo Ghidoni, Assistant Professor at the University Milano-Bicocca,
says: "We find that retaliation through counter-geoengineering is
particularly risky when there are many decision makers. This is relevant
for international negotations with multiple parties."

"Solar geoengineering brings us into uncharted territory," says Marco
Casari, Professor of Economics at Bologna University, "and our experiment
can shed light on what to expect in those new situations. If major issues
emerge, the rules of governance could be corrected before field
implementation. I like the analogy with aeronautical engineering:
prototypes of new airplanes go first in 'wind tunnels' to identify and
remove design flows. Our experiments serve a similar purpose in the realm
of the social sciences."

"This paper shows the relevance of the human factor -both rational and
irrational- for climate decision making in general not just climate
engineering," says Massimo Tavoni, director of the RFF-CMCC European
Institute of the Economics and the Environment and Professor at Politecnico
di Milano. "It highlights the necessity of strong institutions to solve
global environmental challenges."
*More information:*
* Anna Lou Abatayo el al., "Solar geoengineering may lead to excessive
cooling and high strategic uncertainty," PNAS (2020).
<> *


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