SCIENCE: Climate change 'remobilizes' long-buried pollutants as Arctic ice 
melts (07/25/2011)
Lauren Morello, E&E reporter
Warming in the Arctic is causing the release of toxic chemicals long trapped in 
the region's snow, ice, ocean and soil, according to a new study.

Researchers from Canada, China and Norway say their work provides the first 
evidence that some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are being "remobilized" 
into the Arctic atmosphere.

"Our results indicate that a wide range of POPs have been remobilized into the 
Arctic atmosphere over the past two decades as a result of climate change, 
confirming that Arctic warming could undermine global efforts to reduce 
environmental and human exposure to these toxic chemicals," write the 
scientists, whose analysis was published yesterday in the journal Nature 
Climate Change.

The Zeppelin Mountain Atmospheric Research Station in Norway's Arctic is 
picking up traces of old, long-lived pollutants as the ice melts down to 
release snow layers deposited years ago. Photo courtesy of Ove Hermansen.
That's of concern because POPs can travel long distances on air currents, 
persist in food and water supplies, and accumulate in the body fat of humans 
and other animals. The pollutants also can be passed from mother to fetus and 
have been linked to serious health problems in humans and other animals.

Co-author Hayley Hung, a scientist with Environment Canada's Air Quality 
Division who studies toxic organic pollutants in the Arctic, said that in 
recent years, researchers had posited that warmer conditions would liberate 
POPs stored in land, ice and ocean reservoirs back into the atmosphere.

"The chemicals are known to be semi-volatile," Hung said. "They have the 
ability to evaporate out of storage" -- if temperatures are warm enough.

She and her colleagues began to suspect the phenomenon was already under way 
when they examined 20 years of air monitoring data collected at a high Arctic 
monitoring site, Zeppelin Mountain Air Monitoring Station in Norway's Svalbard 

Toxic blasts from the past
Beginning in the mid-2000s, scientists observed higher levels of certain POPs, 
including hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), at the 
Norwegian research station. That stood out, Hung said, because the chemicals' 
use has been restricted to the point where many POPs are no longer produced. As 
a result, the level of POPs in Arctic air had been decreasing.

"Stockpiles still exist, but these are limited sources," she said, "and the 
sources are already known to us. So we were surprised to see concentrations 
actually coming up at the Svalbard station."

The scientists then examined two decades of monitoring data from the Alert 
monitoring station in the Canadian province of Nunavut. They saw smaller, 
though still significant, increases in POPs at the second site.

Hung believes the larger increase at the Svalbard site is caused by its 
proximity to ocean areas where sea ice has retreated. "This is a sign to us 
that these chemicals are indeed evaporating out of the ocean," she said.

Still, she noted that all POPs don't react the same way to warming. 
Hexachlorobenzene and PCBs, the chemicals detected in increasing amounts in 
Norway and Canada, evaporate more easily than many other POPs, and are harder 
to dissolve in water. That means they're more prone to re-enter the atmosphere 
after they're deposited on land or sea.

Jordi Dach, a scientist at the Barcelona, Spain-based Institute of 
Environmental Assessment and Water Research, said the new study provided 
convincing evidence of the long-suspected movement of POPs from Arctic 
reservoirs into the atmosphere.

The new study "demonstrates that climate change can remobilize POPs stored in 
water, snow, ice and presumably soils -- and that this process is already 
occurring in the Arctic region," he wrote in an essay accompanying the new 

Eventually, Dachs said, atmospheric circulation patterns could carry the newly 
liberated POPs to other parts of the globe.

Oldies, but not goodies
"The remobilization of pollutants generated by our grandparents -- pollutants 
that were banned decades ago -- are unwanted witnesses to our environmental 
past that now seem to be 'coming in from the cold," he said.

Meanwhile, the new study suggests the effect will intensify in the future with 
continued climate change, based on computer models that attempt to project how 
rising temperatures would affect the Arctic's chemical reservoirs.

That echoes a report released in February by the U.N. Environment Programme and 
the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme. "For some POPs, climate 
change-induced enhancement of emissions may reduce the expected effectiveness 
of the Stockholm Convention" -- the international treaty that bans use of 
several POPs -- "resulting in releases decreasing less rapidly than targeted."

That's a concern of Hung's, as well.

"The main purpose of this paper is to raise the awareness that climate change 
actually has an influence on contamination," she said. "It's not as apparent as 
other, more visible changes. ... People need to be aware there is an effect. As 
we evaluate the effectiveness of the Stockholm Convention, we need to take into 
account the effects of climate change."

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