Hi Jo,

> Does anybody know a good website with clear examples and definitions of
> spatial relationships, such as Touching, Crossing, etc?
> (apart from the OGC spec, that didnt help me that much..)

I realize others have already answered, but thought I'd throw in a couple of
links to resources we've got which may be useful for GEOSers --
http://www.fmepedia.com/index.php/SpatialRelator_For_Dummies is the start of
a page we're working on to try to make the relationships more concrete, and
the table in this help file may also be useful:

Hope this helps.


Dale Lutz              Safe Software Inc.           dale.l...@safe.com
VP Development         Surrey, BC, CANADA        phone: (604) 501-9985
                       http://www.safe.com         fax: (604) 501-9965
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