#286: Compile issues with HP-Ux 11i
 Reporter:  MarkMapo    |       Owner:  geos-devel@lists.osgeo.org
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new                       
 Priority:  minor       |   Milestone:                            
Component:  Default     |     Version:  3.0.3                     
 Severity:  Unassigned  |    Keywords:                            
 During compiliation on the HP-Ux 11i system (using the aCC compiler) I ran
 into a few syntax errors.  Most of these are easy and straight forward,
 and a couple are ambigious.  Most of the errors come from the fact that a
 lot of the classes don't have an operator=() overloaded function.  So
 changing the classes to have these, or change the code from this...
 <code>Class tempClass=someOtherInstance;</code>
 into this...
 <code>Class tempClass(someOtherInstance);</code>

 Here's all the errors & fixes that I made....

 1. source/headers/geos/geom/Coordinate.h added...
 #include <iostream>

 2. source/headers/geos/geomgraph/TopologyLocation.h added...
 #include <iostream>

 3. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 162 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom = transformPoint(p, geom);
 --------To this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom(transformPoint(p, geom));

 4. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 213 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 --------into this...
 return factory->createLineString(tempCoordinateSequence);

 5. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 235 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom=transformLineString(l, geom);
 --------into this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom(transformLineString(l, geom));

 6. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 264 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr shell=transformLinearRing(lr, geom);
 --------into this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr shell(transformLinearRing(lr, geom));

 7. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 339 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom=transformPolygon(p, geom);
 --------into this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom(transformPolygon(p, geom));

 8. Error 226: "GeometryTransformer.cpp", line 366 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom=transform(geom->getGeometryN(i));
 --------into this...
 Geometry::AutoPtr transformGeom(transform(geom->getGeometryN(i)));

 9. Error 746: "MCIndexNoder.cpp", line 143 # Cannot use static_cast to
 convert void * to const geos::noding::SegmentString *.
 --------Changed this...
 SegmentString* ss1 = const_cast<SegmentString*>(static_cast<const
 SegmentString *>(mc1->getContext()));
 --------into this...
 SegmentString* ss1 = const_cast<SegmentString*>(static_cast<const
 SegmentString *>((SegmentString*)mc1->getContext()));

 10. Warning 652: "../../../source/headers/geos/geomgraph/GeometryGraph.h",
 line 58 # Virtual function "void
 geos::geomgraph::PlanarGraph::add(geos::geomgraph::EdgeEnd *)" is hidden
 by "void geos::geomgraph::GeometryGraph::add(const geos::geom::Geometry
 *)"; did you forget to override it?
     class GeometryGraph: public PlanarGraph {
 --------- this was ignored

 11. Warning 652: "../../../source/headers/geos/geomgraph/GeometryGraph.h",
 line 58 # Virtual function "geos::geomgraph::Edge
 *geos::geomgraph::PlanarGraph::findEdge(const geos::geom::Coordinate
 &,const geos::geom::Coordinate &)" is hidden by "geos::geomgraph::Edge
 *geos::geomgraph::GeometryGraph::findEdge(const geos::geom::LineString
 *)"; did you forget to override it?
     class GeometryGraph: public PlanarGraph {
 --------- this was ignored

 12. Error 226: "OverlayResultValidator.cpp", line 155 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 > > &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 > >' could not be converted to
 > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr< vector<geom::Coordinate> > pts=ptGen.getPoints();
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr< vector<geom::Coordinate> > pts(ptGen.getPoints());

 13. Error 182: "RelateComputer.cpp", line 340 # "void
 *)" cannot access private member "void
 --------Changed this...
 --------into this...
 ((GraphComponent*)(e))->updateIM(imX); // note: not sure if this has the
 expected behavior - maybe this "e->updateIM(imX)" is better, but it has
 the same error??

 14. Error 226: "GeometrySnapper.cpp", line 60 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 > > &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 > >' could not be converted to
 > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr<Coordinate::Vect> newPts = snapper.snapTo(snapPts);
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr<Coordinate::Vect> newPts(snapper.snapTo(snapPts));

 15. Error 226: "GeometrySnapper.cpp", line 108 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 "std::auto_ptr<std::vector<const geos::geom::Coordinate
 *,std::allocator<const geos::geom::Coordinate *> >
 >::auto_ptr(std::auto_ptr<std::vector<const geos::geom::Coordinate
 *,std::allocator<const geos::geom::Coordinate *> > > &)"
 ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<std::vector<const geos::geom::Coordinate *,std::allocator<const
 geos::geom::Coordinate *> > >' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<std::vector<const geos::geom::Coordinate
 *,std::allocator<const geos::geom::Coordinate *> > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr<Coordinate::ConstVect> snapPts=extractTargetCoordinates(g);
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr<Coordinate::ConstVect> snapPts(extractTargetCoordinates(g));

 16. Error 226: "DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.cpp", line 111 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 > > &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 > >' could not be converted to
 > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 std::auto_ptr<Coordinate::Vect> newPts
 =DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier::simplify(*inputPts, distanceTolerance);
 --------into this...

 17. Error 226: "LineSegmentIndex.cpp", line 167 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > >::auto_ptr
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > > &)"
 ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > >' could not be converted to
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> > itemsFound = visitor.getItems();
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> > itemsFound(visitor.getItems());

 18. Error 226: "TaggedLineString.cpp", line 134 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 > > &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 > >' could not be converted to
 > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 CoordVectPtr pts = extractCoordinates(resultSegs);
 --------into this...
 CoordVectPtr pts(extractCoordinates(resultSegs));

 19. Error 226: "TaggedLineString.cpp", line 217 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 return parentLine->getFactory()->createLineString(getResultCoordinates());
 --------into this...
 CoordinateSequence::AutoPtr tempAutoPtr(getResultCoordinates());
 return parentLine->getFactory()->createLineString(tempAutoPtr);

 20. Error 226: "TaggedLineString.cpp", line 225 # No appropriate function
 found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::CoordinateSequence> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 return parentLine->getFactory()->createLinearRing(getResultCoordinates());
 --------into this...
 CoordinateSequence::AutoPtr tempAutoPtr(getResultCoordinates());
 return parentLine->getFactory()->createLinearRing(tempAutoPtr);

 21. Error 226: "TaggedLineStringSimplifier.cpp", line 158 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::simplify::TaggedLineSegment>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::simplify::TaggedLineSegment> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr<TaggedLineSegment> newSeg = flatten(i, j);
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr<TaggedLineSegment> newSeg(flatten(i, j));

 22. Error 226: "TaggedLineStringSimplifier.cpp", line 212 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> >
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > > &)"
 ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > >' could not be converted to
 *> > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> > querySegs =
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> >

 23. Error 226: "TaggedLineStringSimplifier.cpp", line 248 # No appropriate
 function found for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> >
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > > &)"
 ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > >' could not be converted to
 *,std::allocator<geos::geom::LineSegment *> > > &'.
 --------Changed this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> > querySegs =
 --------into this...
 auto_ptr< vector<LineSegment*> >

 24. LInker Errors....
 /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol
 "typeid<geos::noding::snapround::MCIndexSnapRounder>" in files
 .libs/inlines.o and .libs/libgeos.lax/libnoding.a/MCIndexSnapRounder.o
 /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol
 "typeid*<geos::noding::snapround::MCIndexSnapRounder>" in files
 .libs/inlines.o and .libs/libgeos.lax/libnoding.a/MCIndexSnapRounder.o
 /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "Class tables [Vftptr] dependent on key
 "geos::noding::snapround::MCIndexSnapRounder::getNodedSubstrings() const""
 in files .libs/inlines.o and
 /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Duplicate symbol "Class tables [Vtable] dependent on key
 "geos::noding::snapround::MCIndexSnapRounder::getNodedSubstrings() const""
 in files .libs/inlines.o and
 /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Duplicate symbols are not allowed in shared libraries
 nm++ inlines.o.......

 nm++ libnoding.a.....

 --------------- fixes
 --------Changed inlines.cpp line 62 from this...
 #include <geos/noding/snapround/MCIndexSnapRounder.inl>
 --------into this...
 //#include <geos/noding/snapround/MCIndexSnapRounder.inl>

 25. Error 226: "geos_ts_c.cpp", line 1271 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3=BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opINTERSECTION));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3(BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opINTERSECTION)));

 26. Error 226: "geos_ts_c.cpp", line 1375 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3 = BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3(BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE)));

 27. Error 226: "geos_ts_c.cpp", line 1445 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3 = BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opSYMDIFFERENCE));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3(BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opSYMDIFFERENCE)));

 28. Error 226: "geos_ts_c.cpp", line 1481 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3 = BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr g3(BinaryOp(g1, g2, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION)));

 29. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 545 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes = BinaryOp(gA, gB,
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes(BinaryOp(gA, gB,

 30. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 563 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes = BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes(BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION)));

 31. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 581 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes = BinaryOp(gA, gB,
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes(BinaryOp(gA, gB,

 32. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 600 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes = BinaryOp(gA, gB,
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gRealRes(BinaryOp(gA, gB,

 33. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 755 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDiff = BinaryOp(gRes.get(), gRealRes.get(),
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDiff(BinaryOp(gRes.get(), gRealRes.get(),

 34. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 889 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gI = BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opINTERSECTION));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gI(BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opINTERSECTION)));

 35. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 901 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDab = BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDab(BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE)));

 36. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 908 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDba = BinaryOp(gB, gA, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gDba(BinaryOp(gB, gA, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opDIFFERENCE)));

 37. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 920 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gSD = BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opSYMDIFFERENCE));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gSD(BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opSYMDIFFERENCE)));

 38. Error 226: "XMLTester.cpp", line 927 # No appropriate function found
 for call of 'auto_ptr::auto_ptr'. Last viable candidate was
 &)" ["/opt/aCC/include_std/memory", line 833]. Argument of type 'class
 auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry>' could not be converted to
 'std::auto_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> &'.
 --------Changed this...
 GeomAutoPtr gU = BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION));
 --------into this...
 GeomAutoPtr gU(BinaryOp(gA, gB, overlayOp(OverlayOp::opUNION)));

 39. after make install, the geos/bin/geos-config has the wrong permissions
 -------- this...
 -rw-rw-rw-   1 user        user            823 Aug 20 19:45 geos-config
 -------- should be (chmod 555 geos-config)...
 -r-xr-xr-x   1 user        user            823 Aug 20 19:45 geos-config

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/286>
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