Hi guys,

I am currently stuck in a problem which I’ve never encountered before, I’ve 
gone through search engines but couldn’t find much related.
We are using Geoserver on different deployment environment and versions.

In one of our deployment we are running Geoserver 2.18 along with a GeoNode 
I am trying to import an ortophoto mosaic of GeoTiff which I’ve created and 
optimized from an ecw source ( 330 files 100mb each more or less ) but I am 
having some problems with the cache.
Wms preview works fine ( slow but no errors thrown ) meanwhile the cache not.

I’ve created a custom gridset based on epsg:3857 512x512 with the following 

When I create the cache for this mosaic ( 8 Threads, Regen all tiles ) the 
output seems fine but when I zoom in into lower scales there’s a lot of empty 
tiles in the rendered image.
Any hint?

This is the gdalinfo of one of the tiff:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: _321141_df.tif
Size is 11058, 9150
Coordinate System is:
PROJCRS["ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N",
 DATUM["European Terrestrial Reference System 1989",
 ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
 METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
 PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
 PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",15,
 PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,
 PARAMETER["False easting",500000,
 PARAMETER["False northing",0,
 SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
 AREA["Europe between 12°E and 18°E: Austria; Denmark - offshore and offshore; 
Germany - onshore and offshore; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and 
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2
Origin = (237661.814411482744617,4749044.923056181520224)
Pixel Size = (0.317501740059000,-0.317527519376000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 237661.814, 4749044.923) ( 11d47'21.97"E, 42d50'56.30"N)
Lower Left ( 237661.814, 4746139.546) ( 11d47'26.85"E, 42d49'22.26"N)
Upper Right ( 241172.749, 4749044.923) ( 11d49'56.43"E, 42d51' 0.61"N)
Lower Right ( 241172.749, 4746139.546) ( 11d50' 1.23"E, 42d49'26.56"N)
Center ( 239417.282, 4747592.235) ( 11d48'41.62"E, 42d50'11.44"N)
Band 1 Block=512x512 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
 NoData Value=253
 Overviews: 5529x4575, 2765x2288, 1383x1144, 692x572, 461x382, 346x286, 
231x191, 173x143, 87x72, 44x36
Band 2 Block=512x512 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
 NoData Value=253
 Overviews: 5529x4575, 2765x2288, 1383x1144, 692x572, 461x382, 346x286, 
231x191, 173x143, 87x72, 44x36
Band 3 Block=512x512 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
 NoData Value=253
 Overviews: 5529x4575, 2765x2288, 1383x1144, 692x572, 461x382, 346x286, 
231x191, 173x143, 87x72, 44x36


Alessio Cruciani
Full stack developer & GIS specialist
via Tiburtina, 912 | Roma, RM 00156
tel (+39) 06 862 995 86 | mobile (+39) 349 18 59 496
www.geodatalab.it | managem...@geodatalab.it
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confidenziali. Se hai ricevuto questo messaggio per errore sei pregato di 
eliminarlo e notificare il mittente. Grazie per la collaborazione.
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