Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Geotoolkit announcement

2009-05-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Justin Don't worry, it was our only anouncement. Personnaly, I will sign off from all GeoTools mailing list soon, when it will look like that no question is going to be asked (not necessarly about geotoolkit - it could have been about the future of the referencing module for instance).

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Geotoolkit announcement

2009-05-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Desruisseaux a écrit : Also from the last statement in your second paragraph, its look like that you do not realize that the vast majority of the work that I migrated to Geotoolkit up to date was my own work - while I aknowledge the good work of Rueben Schulz on projections

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Geotoolkit announcement

2009-05-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Justin Thanks a lot for your clarifications (sincerly). Justin Deoliveira a écrit : My objection to this email is that it implied (to me at least) that the Geotools PSC was endorsing this fork. When it was not, it is was one PSC member who decided to fork. If it implied that, it was

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Coverage2D serialization (to byte[])

2009-04-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Tomko a écrit : I need to pass around the results of my coverage processing (a Coverage2D, or a geotiff, both are acceptable) through an XML (as a xsd:base64Binary). The coverages will be VERY small. It depends what you want to serialize. Raw pixel values, or the image in some

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Coverage2D serialization (to byte[])

2009-04-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Christian Müller a écrit : Take a look at from the jai (Java advanced imaging ) I know this one as well (and actually I made GridCoverage2D serializable through

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Coverage2D serialization (to byte[])

2009-04-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Tomko a écrit : Now, I noticed that this approach is *similar*to some test cases in but in these test cases it does not seem to be necessary to create the

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] DefaultGeographicCRS problem in 2.5.x

2009-04-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jon Britton a écrit : When trying to parse a lonLatEnvelope using org.geotools.wcs.bindings.LonLatEnvelopeBaseType in 2.5.x I get an exception lonLatEnvelope: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.opengis.util.GenericName.tip()Lorg/opengis/util/LocalName; Seems to be a mismatch on the version of

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] DirectPositions and temporal coordinate reference systems

2009-04-19 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Jon Jon Blower a écrit : To resurrect an old question (see below) - I've been thinking again about the question of temporal CRSs and calendar systems. Are the two things independent? The temporal CRS gives you the number of time units since a certain time, but a calendar system tells

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] EPSG Query In Relation To Shapefile

2009-04-06 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
nvidia a écrit : (...snip...) How do these codes like EPSG:4326 relate to the projection of a shapefile? In order to position a geographic coordinate on the Earth, we need at least an approximation of the Earth shape. This approximation is the ellipsoid. There is many approximations in

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Custom CRS registration

2009-03-31 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Eugene B a écrit : Hello! I'm trying to create custom crs from WKT using steps from But after all CRS.decode(...) method throws *org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException* Do you have the stack trace? It would help to

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Custom CRS registration

2009-03-31 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Your wkt.txt file shall have a content that looks like: 0001 = PROJCS[CUSTOM, GEOGCS[WGS 84, ... all on a single line (at least on GeoTools 2), followed by other lines if there is more definitions. Is it what you have? Martin

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GCTP Projection

2009-03-30 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Eugene B a écrit : I had a look at wiki page. And as I understand I should update resources/META-INF/services/org.geotools.referencing.operation.MathTransformProvider with my custom provider. And then rebuild

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Projection management on GeoTools

2009-03-03 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Sylvain Sylvain GRELLET a écrit : One last question, do you know when the last port of Proj.4 C/C++ code to Java occured ? Hard to give a clear answer on this one since it is spread over time... We do not have a complete port of the full Proj.4 library. We usually port parts of it on

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Projection management on GeoTools

2009-03-02 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Sylvain Sylvain GRELLET a écrit : My question is the following : - to which extent is GeoTools2 using Proj.4 librairie ? Proj.4 web site ( is citing GeoTools as a Related Ressource. Proj.4 is not used at all in the sense that GeoTools has no dependency

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] axis order problem (projection from wgs84 to EPSG:3035), epsg-HSQL lib

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Martin Martin Tomko a écrit : yes, I am sure - and there is no conflict, what you are getting is exactly what I get. The problem is that the recent definition (the onoe you sent) does not seem to be correct!! Note the end of the wkt: AXIS[Northing, NORTH], AXIS[Easting, EAST],

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] axis order problem (projection from wgs84 to EPSG:3035), epsg-HSQL lib

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Tomko a écrit : It seems that the definition changed in epsg-hsql.jar at some stage. Is there any change list ublicly available where such things could be traced? That would help a lot! The epsg-hsql module itself didn't changed significantly. However this module is bundled with a

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] axis order problem (projection from wgs84 to EPSG:3035), epsg-HSQL lib

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
I forgot to said! A yet simplier way to know about the changes is to look again on the site, at the page about the 3035 CRS, on the right side there is a list of Change ID. Its look like this CRS got no significant changes apart aliases and stuff like that. If

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Generating a PRJ compatible with ArcMap

2009-02-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Larry Larry Reeder a écrit : To resolve my immediate problem, I've created a workaround ESRI PRJ formatter class.I'd like to help add ESRI prj formatting to geotools, but may need some guidance on the best approach to a fix. It should be done in Geotidy (to be linked to GeoTools 3

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] projection performance

2009-02-10 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Paulm a écrit : Why does it take so much longer time when I change the ellipsoid? When using a Helmet 3D transtormation a rot.matrix is setup for fast converson of lat/long coord to another ellipsoid, or? The matrix must be applied on geocentric coordinates, not on geographic (long,lat) ones.

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GCTP Projection

2009-02-07 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Agossa a écrit : Many thanks, I've got this Exception: org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchIdentifierException: No transform for classification Sinusoidal. This projection is not yet implemented in GeoTools. The available projections are: ┌──┬┐ │ EPSG │

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GCTP Projection

2009-02-05 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Agossa a écrit : Thanks a lot for your answers. My problem could be solved out if I knew how to create a projectioncrs from scratch with some geotools class having in hand the projection parameters(like src_semi_major and so one). I am using HDFEOS file format and as Frank said there are using

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GCTP Projection

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Frank Warmerdam a écrit : GCTP is a FORTRAN (now C) projection library from the USGS. It includes a set of numeric codes for projection methods and a particular way of packaging the projection parameters in a 15-entry double array. Thanks a lot Frank for the explanation. I have never heard

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] No factory of kind CRSAuthorityFactory found.

2009-02-03 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Greg Ederer a écrit : My application is now running splendidly when I run it using NetBeans (thanks for all the help!) I would now like to create a binary executable that I can run on another machine. I have added the following to my pom.xml: (...snip...) Building with Maven now

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] How to redirect HSQL logging message

2009-02-02 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Benoît Thiébault a écrit : Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TRACE at org.geotools.util.logging.Log4JLogger.toLog4JLevel( 74) Could it be a classpath isssue? It is possible that the TRACE level was not provided in older Log4J versions. Maybe GeoTools

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] combining 2 different gridcoverages(of different envelopes)?

2009-02-01 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Agossa a écrit : What operation should I use to get two Renderedimages of same dimensions from two different gridcoverages cov1 and cov2 (different resolutions, different envelopes). That is, I wish I could combine the bands of both images in the same image(same dimensions from cov2 as from

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] How to redirect HSQL logging message

2009-01-29 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Benoît Thiébault a écrit : I am using Log4j as logging system for my application and I would like to redirect this message to another appender, a graphical dialog that is more user friendly than a console log. How can I do this ? Could you try to put the following line at the begining of

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Rendering images of satellite data (polygons)

2009-01-20 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Jon Jon Blower a écrit : I'm looking for a way of rendering an image of some satellite data. Each ground pixel in the data is represented as a quadrilateral in lat-lon coordinates, and each pixel is associated with a numerical value (ozone concentration in this case). (I guess this is

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Rendering images of satellite data (polygons)

2009-01-20 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jon Blower a écrit : Hi Martin, Thanks very much for this detailed response but I think I haven't made myself clear. The ground pixels are not regularly-spaced, nor are they parallel/perpendicular to any coordinate axes. I effectively have a List of Polygons, which may be

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Reprojection jar can't locate my HSQL database.

2009-01-19 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Michael I don't know how is created your runnable JAR file... There is nothing special to do regarding the EPSG database. Just having the JAR on the classpath should be suffisient. Martin -- This

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Classes by Maven artifactId?

2009-01-15 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Greg Ederer a écrit : Is there a document that maps Java class names to Maven artifactIds? They appear in the javadoc at least for some classes. Example: Look at the Module section, after the descriptions and the Author

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Reading a GeoTIFF

2009-01-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Greg Ederer a écrit : Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.opengis.referencing.cs.CSAuthorityFactory.createUnit(Ljava/lang/String;) Exceptions ending in Error are usually related to classpath issue. If the exception were NoClassDefFoundError, I would said that GeoAPI is

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] ClassCastException DefaultFactory

2009-01-13 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Ryan Moquin a écrit : Hi, I have a bit of an issue that has popped up since I started running my application in a tomcat environment. I have been sporadically getting ClassCastException errors with Geotools during the scanning of plugins... I haven't changed any geotools dependencies or

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] ReferencingObjectFactory

2009-01-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Ryan Moquin a écrit : Yes, I've noticed actually that it appears that this error only occurs once and it's during the creation of the database. So when I distribute our app, I'll just do it in a tomcat container with the database already created. I'd still like to know why it happens. My

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] masking a grid coverage

2009-01-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : Would it be possible / useful to add new operators to a new or existing unsupported module ? I need to do more such work for my project anyway, and if I could add them to the geotools unsupported modules it would be very helpful for me to get feedback on the

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] errror converting from Lat/Long to UTM

2009-01-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
ari fainchtein a écrit : Exception in thread main java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class Exception ending in Error are usually a compilation problem. In this case, we lack information about the cause of this error - I don't know what is happening. But if you happen to have a

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] ReferencingObjectFactory

2009-01-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Ryan Moquin a écrit : I'm trying to use geotools in a tomcat web application, and I'm getting a weird exception that I don't get with the same code in a non-j2ee environment..I'm not sure why the database is being locked since I've used hsql in several different connection modes and haven't

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] masking a grid coverage

2009-01-10 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Mickael Michael Bedward a écrit : Then there is another project where I am working on simulations of animal populations where the summed value of habitat resources available to an animal is constrained by the presence of other animal territories. This is a nice example, but I wonder:

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] masking a grid coverage

2009-01-09 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : Would the MaskedConvolve operator be a useful addition to the gt-coverage module ? It could for images backed by integer values. For floating point values, I tend to favor a different approach but I don't know if it is applicable in your case. In my case, image backed

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Accuracy of screen to world position transformations

2009-01-09 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Ze ze.sjrp a écrit : I've got the same problem. I already posted a similar question, but don't get a concrete answer... Please Martin can you post in the list when a new release with the fix that you talk about will done? It will take long before the new renderer is ready for inclusion.

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] CRS Soldner Berlin

2009-01-07 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Rainer Suddendorf a écrit : in our project we have to support the CRS Soldner Berlin. I found an entry in the epsg-database code=3068. But I get the following error message. org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchIdentifierException: No transform for classification Cassini-Soldner. This

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] masking a grid coverage

2009-01-06 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Michael ROI is one aspect of JAI that I lack experience in. The approach that I'm writting below may be less efficient than ROI. I posting it just in case, but it may be worth to explore more on the ROI side. A possible approach may be to binarize the mask in order to create a new image

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] userdefined CoordinateReferenceSystem

2009-01-01 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jody Garnett a écrit : Thanks for the code example; I thought I replaced FactoryGroup with FactoryContainer etc? Right. Actually the name that you put is ReferencingFactoryContainer. The old FactoryGroup does not exist anymore in GeoTools 2.5. Martin

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] JMappane

2008-12-25 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello fx5900 a écrit : i'm trying to import the do the import statment for the jmappane but everytime i do the import statement e.g import org.geotools.XXX i can't seem to find the class Swing.JMappane. Are you using NetBeans 6.5 with the Maven plugin (which will mount all dependencies

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] userdefined CoordinateReferenceSystem

2008-12-18 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Malm Paul a écrit : Is there any example how to create a userdefined CoordinateReferenceSystem with elippsoid and projection parameters as input? First, you need to create a GeographicCRS from your Ellipsoid. You can use for this purpose (this approach is

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Ellipsoid on geodetic base

2008-12-17 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jairo de Almeida a écrit : hi, is possible to work with the class Ellipsoid in geotools 2.5.1 i have the values semi major axis, Eccentricity and flattening os ellipsoid i need to calculate the distance of two points. but this distance has to calcutate in meters, how I could calculate the

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] transformation from/to WGS84-CH1903

2008-12-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Tomko a écrit : DOes that mean that the epsg-hsql jar of GT2 contians an incorrect WKT specification of the projection? That should probably be fixed there too... No, epsg-hsql is correct. The WKT that I posted yesterday was produced by epsg-hsql... Martin

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] transformation from/to WGS84-CH1903

2008-12-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Martin Tomko a écrit : very strange, I used the snapshot hsql and I got the results I was sending you. What epsg number did the wkt that you use have? I have queried for EPSG:21781 (if my memory serve me right - the actual number should be in the AUTHORITY statement at the end of the WKT) using

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Rendering optimization

2008-12-10 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Andrea Aime a écrit : Well, regarding the caching itself, our current approach (which is now still only implemented in a different project in C++) is to cache the original geometries (not the decimated ones) in blocks of data according to a spatially indexed tree constructed only once on

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Rendering optimization

2008-12-10 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Andrea Aime a écrit : The very good thing about Milton design is not only the disposal of oldest geoemtries, but the fact it is done in blocks, that mitigates a lot the latency issue above and makes disposing and reloading actually useful in practice. Yes I agree with that, but J2D renderer

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] problem with transformation from/to WG84 - CH1903 (EPSG:4326, EPSG:21781)

2008-12-05 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Martin Tomko a écrit : here are the results one comes with: with the correct WGS84 order: lat: 47.3468055 lon: 8.9639444 proj x: 1.5637025606181357E7 proj y: -2852223.337476256 the result is totally off. With the swapped order: lon: 8.9639444 lat:

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] problem with transformation from/to WG84 - CH1903 (EPSG:4326, EPSG:21781)

2008-12-05 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Thanks for the WKT dump. I will look at that this weekend. Martin -- SF.Net email is Sponsored by MIX09, March 18-20, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The future of the web can't happen without you. Join us at MIX09

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] problem with transformation from/to WG84 - CH1903 (EPSG:4326, EPSG:21781)

2008-12-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Watch out axis order. If you are using EPSG:4326 as your source CRS, the official axis order (according EPSG) is (latitude, longitude), not the other way arround. You can check which axis order you have with the following code: System.out.println(sourceCRS); and look at the order in

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GeoTools 2.5 for reading and writing shapefiles after CRS transformation - Assistance Needed

2008-12-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : (...snip...). I was able to get my program to run and it to create the output. But the output shapefile does not seem to be correct for some reason. (...snip...) The axis seems to have been switched. Watch-out for axis order. Please see my reply just before this

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] use of writable gridcoverage

2008-12-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Andrea andrea antonello a écrit : After getting my RenderedOp as result from my operation, this, as I expect, is waiting for someone to pull the data out of it. This happens usually by triggering methods like getWidth, getData, getTile etc. The rendereop is the result that I want to

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] use of writable gridcoverage

2008-11-27 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Adrea andrea antonello a écrit : I am tempted to use: GridCoverage2D coverage2D = factory.create(name, writableRaster, writeEnvelope, new GridSampleDimension[]{band}); A possible approach is to keep around the WritableRaster that you gave to this constructor. Because GridCoverage2D

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Questions about deriving GridCoverage2D from a Raw (Unencoded) multiband image

2008-11-16 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Mickael Michael Owonibi a écrit : I am wondering how do I derive/define a gridcoverage2d from an array of image cell values, arranged in a way such as this –{ pixel 1 band1, pixel 1 band 2, pixel 1 band 3 …..pixel 1 band m, pixel 2 band 1, pixel 2 band 2, pixel 2 band 3 …pixel 2 band m

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Where to start ?

2008-11-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Benoît Benoît Thiébault a écrit : 2) NetCDF : there is a NetCDF reader here that doesn't seem to be present in the final release. Should I implement my own reader or is this one mature enough ?

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Coordinates transformation

2008-11-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Lonelu Lukas a écrit : I have a list of longitude / latitude records in TM65 projection which needs to be transformed into Google Map standard. Is Geotools proper tool for that kind of transformations ? If yes could you point me somewhere I could start ? I'm not sure which projection you

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] [Geotools-devel] GeoTools DNS down

2008-10-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : Is this permanent Simone ? ie. should we do svn switch --relocate ? I have sent an email to James McGill yesterday, who is the owner of the domain name. He was the creator of the GeoTools project years ago, but now works at Google Map in Australia. I'm

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Cannot create CoordinateReferenceSysten in WebStart Applcation

2008-10-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello softi a écrit : (...snip...) When trying to use it from a Java WebStart Application I get this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hsqldb/jdbc/jdbcDataSource (...snip...) The following jars are mentioned in the jnlp file (means classpath) geoapi-nogenerics-2.1.0.jar

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] problem transforming coordinates

2008-10-20 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Aengus On (a), a very common mistake is to assume that the coordinates are in (longitude, latitude) order while actually it is really CRS-dependant. Try the following: System.out.println(sourceCRS); System.out.println(targetCRS); if the sourceCRS for instance contains the following:

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] WritableRaster and GridCoverageBuilder

2008-10-03 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello all As stated in Sun's javadoc, java.awt.image.RenderedImage.getData() performs a *copy* of the data. So it is not surprising if OutOfMemoryError occur for big images. Use iterators as suggested by Mickael. But you need to do it that way: RectIter iter = if (!iter.finishedBands())

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] how to create an own authority code ?

2008-09-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Weber There is in the referencing module a small package defining two very simple authority: CRS and AUTO. The CRS authority in particular is the simpliest (just two small Java files). Maybe you can look at this file and do something similar?

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Again: Problem with UTM when NOT forcing switch of axis. Any explanations?

2008-09-18 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Erich Setting the force xy axis order property to false doesn't means that the order will be (y,x) or (latitude,longitude). It means that the axis order will be the one defined by the authority (EPSG in our case). It may be any axis order on a CRS-by-CRS basis. In your case, EPSG:31466

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] [Geotools-devel] First take on GridCoverage documentation

2008-09-15 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : Reading the notes about operations from the perspective of a relative beginner, it's not clear to me what the reasons / pros / cons are for invoking an operation via Operations.DEFAULT (as with the resample example on the Use a GridCoverage page) versus using the

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Note: Regard AXIS when creating an WKT

2008-09-10 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello all When parsing WKT, the default axis order (if no AXIS elements are given) is (x,y) or (lon,lat). In an other order is wanted, then it must be specified explicitly. Consequently: AXIS[Northing, NORTH], AXIS[Easting, EAST], is mandatory if (lat,long) axis order is wanted, but:

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Synchronization Issue with geotools.geomoetry.jts.JTS class

2008-09-09 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
AJ R a écrit : I face a very weird issue that does not occur consistently. The issue is that sometimes the last line i.e. JTS.transform(...) (refer to the code snippet below) throws a TransformException. This happens apparently because the JTS.transform apparently switches the lat and long

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Different results in coordinate transformation depending on used jar-Files (geotools v2.4 vs. geotools v2.5)

2008-09-07 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
For GeographicCRS, epsg-wkt expect axis order to be (longitude,latitude). This is common usage, but a violation of what the EPSG database said. By default, epsg-hsql complies with the axis order specified by the EPSG database, which is usually (latitude,longitude). If however you still want an

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Different results in coordinate transformation depending on used jar-Files (geotools v2.4 vs. geotools v2.5)

2008-09-03 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Erich Sadlowski a écrit : To do this, I obviously need - at runtime - the following jars: geoapi gt-api gt-epsg-hsql gt-epsg-wkt gt-metadata gt-referencing hsqldb jsr jts vecmath Don't put together gt-epsg-hsql and gt-epsg-wkt. Choose one or the other. I suggest gt-espg-hsql.

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] EPSG database directory

2008-08-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : To work with the EPSG HSQL database in a directory other than the default one the javadocs state that you can have the alternate location stored as a system property. In cases where I don't want to, or I can't, mess with the System properties on a machine, is there

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] WARNING: Can't load a service for category MathTransformProvider

2008-08-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Try to install the JAR files in the following directory: C:\Program Files\your Java installation directory\jre\lib\ext and to install the DLL files in the following directory: C:\Program Files\your Java installation directory\jre\bin\ Those directory should already contains other JAR and DLL

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] grid coverage cell size

2008-08-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : Is there a reason why CoverageUtilities isn't included in the javadocs ? It is internal mechanic. This class contains a bunch of methods that apply heuristic rules that may changes at any time, make assumptions, etc. Basically the org.geotools.resources package and

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] grid coverage cell size

2008-08-21 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : How do I query a GridCoverage2D object to determine the width of its cells in map units ? There is no method doing explicitly that. However you can query MathTransform2D gridToCRS = GridCoverage2D.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS2D(); cast gridToCRS to

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Problems with CRS

2008-08-19 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Milton Jonathan a écrit : Besides trying to read files referenced in this way, I've also made attempts to build a MathTransform involving a CRS with code EPSG:4291, but I end up with a Unit conversion from ° to DMS is non-linear exception. The conversions from DMS units to decimal degrees

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Problems with CRS

2008-08-19 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Milton Jonathan a écrit : So, I guess to override that DMS directive and treat everything as decimal degrees, I should try your workaround, right? Yes, I think it should work. Merging that to the trunk would be longer (need to provide flags controlling that, etc). Regards,

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Problems with CRS

2008-08-19 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Milton Jonathan a écrit : As a note to whoever is reading this and has the same problem: while debugging I ended up seeing that I had to change the return value for the 9108 code, although my original EPSG code was 4291. Not sure why, though.. When the code construct the CRS for EPSG code

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] GridCoverage Resampling

2008-08-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : I'm struggling with the GT resampling operation. My code (to quarter the pixels) is working so far, i.e. I get a new GridCoverage with four times the number of pixels. The pixel values are correct except for the top-most row and the left column, thus from:

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] creating a GridCoverage2D from double[]

2008-08-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Michael Bedward a écrit : GeoTools needs to be updated since its current behavior is a bug (it probably never worked with type double). Thanks Martin. Is this something I could help with or does it require intimate knowledge of the existing code ? Could you try to update your working copy

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Vertical and 3D coordinate reference systems

2008-08-07 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Every 3D CRS except one special case (more on it later) are handled like that: a CompoundCRS made of a horizontalCRS + a VerticalCRS. Example: ProjectedCRS + VerticalCRS of kind height above the ellipsoid ProjectedCRS + VerticalCRS of kind height above the geoid GeographicCRS +

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Vertical and 3D coordinate reference systems

2008-08-07 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jon Blower a écrit : I was interested by this statement in the javadoc for DefaultVerticalCRS: ellipsoidal heights (h) cannot be captured in a vertical coordinate reference system. Ellipsoidal heights cannot exist independently, but only as inseparable part of a 3D coordinate tuple defined in

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] default EPSG database issue

2008-08-06 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
att22 a écrit : From stepping through the code, I've discovered that the jdbc/EPSG datasource cannot be found. Could this be causing the problem? If this datasource is not found, does it fall back on something else? It depends which epsg factory is used. For epsg-hsql, it should fallback on

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] coordinate conversion: envelope versus point???

2008-08-04 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jay Parsons a écrit : I noticed a difference when I convert coordinates based on whether the points are transformed as an envelope or points. This just seems to happen for the longitude values and not latitude. What are your sourceCRS, targetCRS and step2 transform? A system.out.println of

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] default EPSG database issue

2008-07-31 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
att22 a écrit : I am having a similar issue, but unfortunately I cannot figure out a fix. I have gt2-epsg-hsql-2.4.4.jar in the classpath and no other gt2-epsg-* jars. I have write permission to the temp directory as well. I'm using GeoServer 1.6.4 deployed in Apache Geronimo 2.1.1 with the

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Error decoding EPSG:900913

2008-07-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Andrea Aime a écrit : I don't remember GeoTools updating to the EPSG database version that contains that code, so for the moment the suggestion to use 900913 should stand... unless of course someone updated the db. This is true, epsg-hsql is currently using EPSG v6.12. I just got an email this

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] DirectPositions and temporal coordinate reference systems

2008-07-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jon Blower a écrit : DirectPosition objects can contain a position with respect to a temporal coordinate reference system, however, I have not seen this facility used very much. This is true that we don't use much in GeoTools yes. We use it much more extensively in postgrid however (actually

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] MathTransform to AffineTransform conversion

2008-07-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Y.J.Chun a écrit : I could not solve the below problem in the end. And creating AffineTransform from MathTransform is critical part in my program. I have not yet had a chance to inspect what is going on. But the behavior you are reporting suggests that the affine transform coefficients are

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] 2.5M2: Problems with reprojecting and GridCoverage2D.getEnvelope()

2008-07-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Matt Foster a écrit : Sometimes the print comes out in Y/X order, sometimes in X/Y order. The values are always correct, but the order changes. You probably have both epsg-wkt and epsg-hsql in your classpath? I suggest that you keep only one of those. The reason is that epsg-wkt is a legacy

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] 2.5M2: Problems with reprojecting and GridCoverage2D.getEnvelope()

2008-07-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Matt Foster a écrit : Do you expect to get the patch you mentioned into the next release? I think there is a strong need for that, so I should really take the time to apply it... I applied it on my local copy. Will check in my next Maven build if it doesn't break existing GeoTools tests. If

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] MathTransform to AffineTransform conversion

2008-07-21 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Y. J. Chun a écrit : class org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.AffineTransform2D A little confused for a moment until realizing that it is non public class. Which GeoTools version are you using? Martin

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Creating screen CRS

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Y. J. Chun a écrit : 1. Create mercator ProjectedCRS 2. Create AffineTransform to transform resulting meters into pixel positions. basically scale and translate Right. 2.1. Create AffineTransform to transform my mercator map to ProjectedCRS. the image data has xy to lonlat

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Reprojecting images

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Jay Parsons a écrit : I am looking for a few examples of reprojecting images using Geotools 2.4.4. I have tried modifying a few examples but with no success. I think I am doing something basic wrong so I would like to look at a few functioning examples. GridCoverage2D coverage = ...

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] CRS.lookupIdentifier does not work

2008-07-16 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
I wonder if we can do a check for multiple epsg jars on the classpath and die with a sensible error message? Actually there is an other possible approach: we could just set a lower priority to epsg-wkt compared to other factories. Currently it has no priority setting at all, thus leading

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] StyledMapPane replacement

2008-07-16 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Tim Swanson a écrit : I'm working on converting a code base from GeoTools 2.1M2 to 2.5M2. The code that I currently have uses the StyledMapPane (org.geotools.gui.swing). This class doesn't exist in the current version, is JMapPane its replacement? Styled MapPane doesn't exists anymore,

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] default EPSG database issue

2008-07-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Cédric is right, you need write access in the temporary directory. Could you check which directory is the temporary one on your server please, and check if you see a GeoTools sub-directory there? Martin -

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Comments on GeoAPI/GeoTools Design (LONG)

2008-06-30 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Tim Tim Swanson a écrit : (..snip... following on): That's nice. If I understand it correctly the properties are localized in the JAR files, so that each implementation could theoretically work with its own set

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Failed to connect to the EPSG database

2008-06-30 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
luca.santaniello a écrit : I have similar problem. If i go my code from desktop app, this run. If i go my cde from my web app in jboss, it don't rus and generate following exception: Unavailable authority factory... Make sure that you have only gt-epsg-hsql in yours classpath (or whatever

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] HSQL EPSG:9635

2008-06-27 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Eric Strabala a écrit : I'm trying to create a CRS with EPSG:9635. factory = FactoryFinder.getCRSAuthorityFactory(EPSG, null); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = factory.createCoordinateReferenceSystem(EPSG:9635); I get org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: Unknown

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] ImagePyramidBuilder and gdal

2008-06-26 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Thomas Lutz a écrit : I am trying to build an image pyramid out of an geo tiff with org.geotools.utils.imagepyramid.PyramidBuilder -s D:\shared\LondonMaps\london_2.tif -t 1024,1024 -f 2 -n 4 -w I've downloaded geotools 2.5-M2, added all the libs in there to my classpath and started...

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] Comments on GeoAPI/GeoTools Design (LONG)

2008-06-26 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Tim Thanks a lot for your emails, it is very welcome! My knowledge of Feature model is too limited for being useful, but I will read again your comments carefully and try to learn more. About factories, we are aware that they are not satisfying. An old GeoTools version was using

Re: [Geotools-gt2-users] ImagePyramidBuilder and gdal

2008-06-26 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Simone Simone Giannecchini a écrit : Martin, do you think it would be a lot of work to make the coverageio-mosaic work with a file structure instead of a db? coverageio-mosaic does not work with any persistence mechanism for tile informations (neither a file structure or a db). The

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