Dear Colleagues,

New workshops have been added to the Association for the Advancement of 
Sustainability in Higher Education’s Centers for Sustainability Across the 
 calendar! We are pleased to invite you to the following workshops that are 
designed to accelerate the infusion of sustainability content into the 
curriculum by increasing the availability and accessibility of sustainably 
focused professional development opportunities. Find an event 
 near you!

Recently added workshops include:

What: Integrating Sustainability Across the Curriculum 
Where: Seattle University, Seattle WA, USA
When: July 22 | Register by July 20
Contact person: Phillip Thompson <>
Integrating sustainability into curriculum is often the hardest challenge 
towards advancing sustainability on campus. While many institutions and faculty 
want to integrate sustainability across their offerings, they run into time and 
resource constraints, as well as faculty & institutional challenges. Even 
though sustainability content in curriculum is a requirement for STARS and has 
become a requirement for accreditation in many schools (Business – AACSB, etc.) 
it faces barriers to implementation. This workshop will focus on the ins and 
outs of successfully integrating sustainability into curriculum. It will be a 
hands on workshop that will identify common obstacles, solutions for overcoming 
them and highlighting best practices. Participants will leave with a better 
understanding and clear road map for making learning better for students and 
integration easier for faculty, while also knowing how to meet both STARS and 
accreditation requirements. Register now 

What: Making Sustainability Accessible: Curriculum Development for All 
Where: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
When: August 9 - 10 | Register by August 1
Contact person: Kim Criner <>
Faculty from all disciplines are invited to participate in this two-day 
workshop to support the integration of sustainability concepts into a variety 
of fields. Participants will find helpful resources to inform the design of one 
or more assignments, course modules or other classroom activities. Themes of 
this year's workshop will include social justice, sense of place, and bridging 
industry and sustainability. Register now 

What: Mississippi Project VIII: The Value of the Humanities in Teaching and 
Learning for Sustainability 
Where: Center for Spirituality & Sustainability, Southern Illinois University 
Edwardsville, IL
When: August 15 | Register by August 8
Contact person: Connie Frey Spurlock <>
Interested in exploring how you can incorporate sustainability into your 
curriculum? Are you curious as to how the humanities can add value to your 
curriculum - even if you're not in the humanities yourself? Join us for an 
interactive experience where we'll explore just that, as well as sustainability 
learning outcomes, strategies for infusing sustainability into the curriculum, 
and assignments that promote systems thinking and a sustainability mindset. 
Participants will also have opportunities to extend research and teaching 
horizons across disciplines and create new networks with fellow colleagues from 
SIUE and the region. Register by emailing Connie Frey Spurlock 

What: Course Design for Faculty Inspiring a New Generation of Sustainability 
Leaders <>
Where: University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
When: November 1-2, 2018 | Register by October 12
Contact person: Judit Trunkos <> 
This workshop will explore how educators can utilize their unique role to 
inspire, inform, and train today’s students to become tomorrow’s sustainability 
champions. Intended to support faculty of all disciplines and all levels of 
familiarity with sustainability, the workshop will provide exciting hands-on 
activities, case studies, and examples of how developing sustainability 
curriculum can transform challenges faced by today’s environment, local 
economies, and society. Register here <>.

You can also still register for these exciting workshops:

What: Grand Challenges of Conservation: Western Science & Indigenous Wisdom 
Where: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, HI
When: May 14 - 16 | Register by May 1
Contact person: Krista Hiser <>
The Grand Challenges of Conservation combines Education for Sustainability and 
Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) to 
design project-based curriculum with an emphasis on learning outcomes 
assessment, place-based learning, and meeting of wisdoms between Western 
Science & Indigenous Wisdoms. Come learn with us! We invite colleagues from 
continental U.S. and internationally to learn with University of Hawaiʻi 
faculty about collaborative and individual work to draft practical, usable 
research and course designs. All participants will be contributors and have 
opportunities to network and make meaningful connections across disciplines, 
between campuses, and with community partners and practitioners. We hope to 
inspire new ways of teaching and learning and support the work of implementing 
and assessing new assignments, projects, and syllabi. Register now 

What: Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop at Colorado College 
Where: Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 
When: May 17 - 18 | Apply and register by April 13
Contact person: Ian Johnson <>
This workshop is designed to help faculty develop an outline or course module 
that broadens the sustainability course offerings at their institution. 
Participants engage in exercises that foster a broad and deep understanding of 
sustainability, including reflection, field trips and group discussion to 
support the development of a greater sense of place. Join us to learn about and 
expand sustainability course offerings at your institution. Faculty from all 
disciplines are encouraged to participate. Register now 

What: Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop at The University of Texas 
Rio Grande Valley <>
Where: McAllen Embassy Suite, McAllen Convention Center, McAllen, TX
When: May 18 - 19 | Register by April 27
Contact person: Naomi Keith <>
This intensive two-day faculty development program brings together faculty from 
all fields, allowing for an exchange of ideas and nurturing an enriching 
collaborative atmosphere. This interdisciplinary exercise helps faculty to 
explore the shifts in pedagogy needed to incorporate sustainability concepts, 
problems, or solutions into new or existing courses. Drawn from experienced 
faculty and professionals on issues of sustainability, environment, and 
curriculum, the instructional materials, activities, and presentations provided 
strongly support education for sustainable development. We invite you to join 
us along with local, state, national, and global participants, providing 
international experiences while opening a range of collaborative and networking 
opportunities for all. Register now 

What: Sustainability Across the Curriculum: Integrating Undergraduate Research 
and Community Engagement 
Where: Central College, Pella, IA 
When: May 24 - 25 | Register by April 15
Contact person: Brian Campbell <>
This workshop will introduce best practices for integrating 
sustainability-focused undergraduate research across the curriculum, with an 
emphasis on community-based research. Participants will have the opportunity to 
design courses with a research component (from intro-level to capstone courses) 
as well as non-course-based research projects, such as summer research 
experiences and independent student-faculty projects. Participants will leave 
with resources on sustainability course design, tips for establishing and 
maintaining community partnerships, exercises for student reflection and tools 
for assessment. Register now <>.

What: Early Childhood Education Programming and Pathways to Stewardship and 
Kinship Model – Raising Healthy Children for a Healthy Planet 
Where: Fleming College, Peterborough, Ontario
When: June 8 (with an optional workshop on June 9) | Register by May 8
Contact person: Trish O'Connor <> 
This workshop will focus on experiential learning in the natural environment, 
including tools, practical examples and case studies regarding the Pathways to 
Stewardship & Kinship Framework and Fleming’s Eco-mentorship model. These 
models represent a unique experience designing ECE Programming with a focus on 
sustainability by incorporating an Early Childhood Education Program model for 
raising the next generation of stewards.
Optional Workshop: Building Ecological Learning through the Arts, Connecting 
Children with Nature and Place Through Drawing, Connecting Children with Nature 
and Place through Natural Dyeing and Fibre Work, and Connecting Children with 
Nature and Place through Clay. Register now 

Make sure you check all Centers-organized workshops 
 scheduled for summer and fall 2018!

I hope you can join us at one of these events,


Daita Serghi, PhD
Education Programs Manager
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education <> | 
<> | (888) 347-9997 ext. 124


Explore upcoming professional development opportunities 
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