Dear all,

The Taskforce on Accountability in Global Environmental Governance is inviting 
panelists attending the Earth Systems Governance Conference in Utrecht 2018, 
5-8 November to present their work on the panel  "Accountability in Extractive 
Industries:  Intersections in a Complex World.”  Please see the panel 
description below. If you are interested in participating, send an email with a 
paper abstract of no more than 400 words to<> by March 14.

Accountability in Extractive Industries:  Intersections in a Complex World
This panel will bring together scholars investigating issues of accountability, 
transparency, democracy, legitimacy, and responsibility in extractive 
industries (oil, gas, metal mining, forestry, rare earths commodities, etc.).  
The panel examines the new politics of “environmentalism” and anti-extractivism 
in global environmental governance. We are interested in exploring the current 
and changing rules, norms and institutional arrangements governing the 
intersection of extractivism, environmentalism and the developmental state.  
This is urgent in the case of fossil fuel extraction in particular, given the 
challenge of maintaining  global temperatures within 2 degrees above 
pre-industrial levels. This panel examines all aspects of accountability in 
extractive industries, changing technologies that open up further opportunities 
in the extractive frontier, emerging actors, coalitions, different modes of 
citizen engagement with extractives, changing demands and responses to affected 
populations and the environment.  We welcome conceptual, theoretical and 
empirical contributions covering all actors seeking to govern extractive 

The Task Force is also planning a broader pre conference workshop “Stocktaking 
of Accountability in Global Environmental Governance."  More details to follow.
Associate Professor and SOAR Fellow Susan Park
The University of Sydney
Dept of Government and International Relations
Merewether Building H04, Sydney, NSW 2006
t: 61 2 9351 6593   f: 61 2 9351 3624   e:<>
tw: Spark_syd<>

Free 2017 Article in Review of International Political Economy:
Free 2016 Article in Global Environmental Politics:

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