On 17/03/2019 16:32, Nick wrote:

I got all the video files in one go with this lengthy, but one
line command:

wget -qO- http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/steamtrains/ | grep '<a
class="more_video" href="/archive/steamtrains/[0-9]*\.shtml' | sed -e
| sort | uniq | xargs -L1 get_iplayer.294

Thank you very much for this. As someone new to Linux I learned a lot from trying to use it, and how it worked.

The problem I had was that line wrapping in the email caused the commands to be misinterpreted when I tried to cut and paste them. I managed to split up the command by splitting the pipes before sort into redirections to and from files.

I got it to work with get_iplayer v2.96. As I had a --tvmode option in my preferences I had to use --tvmode=flashnormal instead of the --modes=flashnormal suggested by get_iplayer.

I initially tried with v2.99.  I got 18 results similar to
ERROR: Could not extract a valid PID from http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/steamtrains/7312.shtml

Curiously when I tried to run get_iplayer v2.95 in my present set-up I got
/usr/bin/env: ‘perl\r’: No such file or directory

Best wishes

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