On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > 1) I'm trying to understand what this PDF is talking about!!! What
> > damned sort of cryptographic tech speech is that?! :-(
>       If you are referring to the old LibGGI3D RFC, I agree that it was
> not well explained.  I am rewriting it now to be more understandable.

No, I couldn't understand fully the RFC, but understood the general
guidelines: I was complaining about the MGA1064 documentation. Sorry if I
offended someone.

> > 2) Is there a sort of skeleton module which I can use
as a basis? > 
>       Not yet.  The best existing examples are the 'zbuffer' and 'debug'
> modules.  I'll try to get a real skel.c written soon.
> Jon 
Ok, I'll study them.
Well, I'm afraid I didn't introduced myself. Sorry for my bad netiquette.
My name is Marco Confalonieri, I'm 21 years old and I study computer
sciences engineering (if this is the translation for 'ingegneria
informatica') at the university of Genova, Italy.

--> /\/\ a r >< <--

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