You normally want to do "arc diff HEAD^" in my experience. I believe you get to choose this to be the default when you initialize arc the first time, and I set it to HEAD^ for my arc. I'm not sure if you can change the default later, but you can always say "arc diff HEAD^".


On 10/08/2014 12:17, Johan Tibell wrote:

I have to fight Phab too much because it doesn't understand git or git
working conventions very well. For example, the other day I uploaded, built from a single git commit on
a feature branch I made on a local feature branch (based on my local

First, doing that was in itself a bit of a pain. 'arc diff' didn't do
the right thing and included some random commit(s) instead of my single
commit in my feature branch. Perhaps it tried to diff against
origin/master or something, which doesn't make any sense if you know how
git is meant to be used (doing that would imply that you have to
constantly sync with upstream to create a patch.) I eventually got it to
used the right commit by doing 'arc diff <commit id>`.

Second, today when I wanted to update my commit to address some review
comments I 1) amended my commit in my feature branch and 2) ran 'arc
diff', expecting that it would do the right thing. It didn't and now
D128 contains a bunch of changes that aren't mine. I don't know where
they came from.

Is there a way to configure Phab so it works with git established workflows?

-- Johan

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