When I'm pushing to testsuite repo I get lots of warnings:

[t-jastol@cam-05-unx : ~/ghc-working/testsuite] git push origin master
Counting objects: 13, done.
Delta compression using up to 32 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 783 bytes, done.
Total 7 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: To g...@github.com:ghc/testsuite.git
remote:    ccc29fb..67d6a19  master -> master
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git': Operation 
not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/packed-refs': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/applypatch-msg': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/pre-rebase': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/post-update': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/post-receive': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/git-notifier': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/pre-commit': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/git-notifier-OLD': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/samples': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/commit-msg': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/post-commit': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/update': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/pre-applypatch': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/hooks/post-receive-SAVE': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/HEAD': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/objects': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/objects/27': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
Operation not permitted

-- Lots more

remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/logs/refs/heads/at-defaults': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/config': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/branches': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/.git-notifier.dat': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/description': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/git-notifier.log': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/refs': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/refs/heads': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/refs/tags': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/info': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/info/exclude': Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of `/home/darcs/testsuite.git/info/refs': 
Operation not permitted
remote: chmod: changing permissions of 
`/home/darcs/testsuite.git/ghc-notifier.log': Operation not permitted
To ssh://jstola...@darcs.haskell.org/srv/darcs/testsuite.git
   9ba44e3..67d6a19  master -> master

Notice that warnings refer to github:

remote: To g...@github.com:ghc/testsuite.git
remote:    ccc29fb..67d6a19  master -> master

Any idea why this happens? I don't get warnings when pushing to main GHC repo. 


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