On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 05:23:08PM +0200, Ricardo Wurmus wrote:
     Hi Matthias,
     > this was the last message I've received concerning GHM 2018.
     > Was it the last one or is the list not working vor me?
     Indeed, this seems to have been the last message.
     > I would very much like to attend the next GHM, even more so if
     > it takes place in San Sebastian.
     I don???t know if at this point there is enough time left to successfully
     organize the GHM in 2018, unless someone has already negotiated with
     hostels / conference spaces in the area.
     We had offers to organize the GHM in Crete(?), southern Italy, and San
     Sebastian, but I don???t know what came of these early plans.  I also seem
     to remember a fall-back plan to organize the next meeting in
     Is anyone currently in the process of planning for the GHM?
     (I probably won???t be able to attend this time, unfortunately.)

The planning seems to have stalled, because nobody came forward with a viable
venue to host it.    I recall that the venue in Switzerland was deemed not
suitable because of it's small sleeping capacity and because it was 

If somebody comes forward with either

A) A suitable alternative venue;   OR

B) An offer to organise the catering

then we can try to arrange a GHM accordingly.

However, like you say, it is very late in the day now.


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