
I'd like to remind all mentors of the GIMP project to sign up at


(make sure to check the check box next to GIMP in the organization list)

This will get you access to the application that have come in so far:


Please do take a few moments to read them, and if you like or dislike 
anything, please do comment on them - you can do this either in public 
or in private by writing in the text boxes on the form.


The next important events on the GSoc timeline are:

April 1, 2008, 00:00 UTC - Deadline for applications

By this date, all student applications have to be submitted. 
Modifications to existing applications are still possible.
Ranking of applications by the mentors does commence.

April 11, 2008, 07:00 UTC - Deadline for ranking of applications

By this date, the ranking has to be finished.


     GIMP > http://www.gimp.org      | IRC: irc://irc.gimp.org/gimp
     Wiki > http://wiki.gimp.org     | .de: http://gimpforum.de
Plug-ins > http://registry.gimp.org |
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