
the list of accepted organizations for Google summer of Code 2009 is due 
tomorrow, on March 18. If you can't wait until then and need something to do 
right now, then:

- visit http://socghop.appspot.com/
- click on the "Sign in" link in the top-right corner (you do need a Google 
account for this)

The system will then ask you to create a user profile (if you wonder what the 
"link id" is supposed to be, then treat it like a username that will become 
part of the urls you do create; I did use "schumaml").

If signing in does seem to fail, then try to reload the page, or go to the 
"Report bugs" link and then back and do a reload. This seems to work for me.

If we are accepted, then you will be able to apply to the GIMP organization as 
mentors (immediately) and students (a bit later). I will post status reports 
and reminders as mails on both mailing lists.

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