Hi all.

In about two months the biggest Linux Fair in Europe will take place.
The Linuxtag will happen in Stuttgart, Germany from 29.6.-2.7.2000.
Further information can be found at www.linuxtag.de.

The reason why I write this to this list is simple: I'm searching for
people, who are willing to help me with a Gimp-booth. Four days are a
lot of work for a single person :-)

>From my personal experience the Linuxtag is a really great event where
you can meet interesting people and *lots* of interested people.

There are two ways to help:

The most obvious way: Presenting Gimp at the booth. Who can help one or
more days at the booth and show clueless newbies how to draw straight
lines and show professionals, why Gimp is more flexible than Ph*t*sh*p?

Unfortunately it is unclear at the moment, if it is possible to pay a
flight or a room. Ill try to organize some money - probably the group
organizing the Linuxtag has a budget for free projects.

If you are interested please tell me if it is possible for you to come:
- if somebody pays flight and hotel room
- if somebody pays a flight and provides place for a sleeping bag
- if somebody pays a hotel room
- if somebody provides a place for a sleeping bag
- without restrictions.

The other way to help is: provide place for a sleeping bag :-)

I look forward to hear from you.

      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/

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