On Sun, Aug 14, 2022, 6:25 PM Ofnuts via gimp-developer-list <
gimp-developer-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> I'm not convinced this needs to be an enum. The basic problem it to
> show  a list of strings, and return the index of the selected one.  The
> contents of the list can be quite dynamic. As far as I can tell, in 2.10
> they aren't cached in pluginrc. In 3.0, the query/init methods of the
> plugin suggest that things can be dynamic and a list of URLs/devices
> could be created during registration (this could also change if the user
> changes the UI language, and only the plugin would know how to retrieve
> the translations...).  How the returned integer is used is left to the
> imagination of the author.
> So, IMHO, this is more like a variant of regular integer, instead of
> showing a slider you display  a list of labels.

Sounds like a nightmare for scripting if I'm understanding correctly.


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