On 10/05/2013 01:10 AM, Thomas W wrote:
Just trying out the Text Tool UI, re: font simulation.

There's a bit of a usability problem in 2.8.4 -- if you type text, remove
it, change the font-size & click in back in the box to type something else
-- your size setting is always rejected & reverted to the default (18px).

Sigetch is exactly right -- these big fonts need the option of bold/italic
simulation. Occasional circumstances and customers also prefer the
"simulated" look.

I was going to suggest it should be possible to show a small italic "sim"
or "simulated" indicator in the Font UI.. to indicate when a simulated font
has been selected.

Would it be worth it? The "plain" fonts usually have Bold/Italic versions. And the algorithmic "bolding" doesn't work that well on fancy fonts, while italics is just a shear transform away.
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