Hello GIMP developers -

I have experience with image processing, but I am fairly new to GIMP.  I was 
experimenting with combining layers that have transparency, and the pixel 
values that GIMP computes do not agree with the equation I've seen posted on 
GIMP and photoshop web sites.

Here's a specific example.  The math here applies to a single pixel, but for 
convenience I'll assume that I have images with the same pixel value 
everywhere.  Start with a 4-band image, where the RGB values are all 128, and 
the alpha layer is all 255, or as a fraction 1.0.  Use that as your base layer. 
 Now put on top of that another layer that has RGB values of 0 and an alpha 
value of 191, or as a fraction, 191/255 = 0.749.  When those layers get 
combined in GIMP, I thought it was done mathematically using the following 

output value = basePixel*(1 - topAlpha) + topPixel*topAlpha = 128*(1 - 0.749) + 
0*0.749 = 32.

That's not what I get with GIMP.  I get a value of 66.  Apparently I'm using 
the wrong equation.  Does anyone know the answer?

For what it's worth, the blend mode is set to normal.

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