sorry to have ask again about the How to make a GIMP Plug-In an "Animated" one: 
guide (is in Gap source/doc), but finally i had spotted and corrected some dumb 
errors i  did at first tries and i'm  at the last step

I generated and compiled the" plug_in_Iterator" file for 2 plugin (unsharp 
mask2( and Greycstoration, 
the "apply variant" button of filter all layer is now active for both, and the 
first and last call are correctly done

Not the other interactive calls for the reason explaned in the guide here

" # In case of error:
     # If you get an Error Message (in the shell, where you started the gimp)
     # that looks like:
        ERROR: xxxx_Iterator stored Data missmatch in size N != M
     # you have to change the generated code manually.
     # (check for calls to "gimp_set_data" or "gimp_get_data" that are using
     # the plugins name as key argument within the plugin's sourcecode.
     # The passed datastructure has to match exactly in size with the generated 

I get that error, in both case "_Iterator stored Data missmatch in size N != M" 

Now i'm not a developer so i will need more details on how make" The passed 
datastructure has to match exactly in size with the generated one"
and i will really appreciate some hint help or suggestion to well...solve this 
last obstacle.

All the step till now was clearly described ,BUT  this "

"#you have to change the generated code manually.
   # (check for calls to "gimp_set_data" or "gimp_get_data" that are using
    # the plugins name as key argument within the plugin's sourcecode."
 is a bit too sintetic for my understanding,may be elaborated more?

Alchemie Foto\grafiche
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