I've created an initial version of a PDF import plugin for GIMP that
uses poppler.  Currently this version has little to offer compared to
the existing ghostscript-based PDF import plugin, but I feel like a
poppler-based plug-in has much more potential in the long run.

While this version uses poppler to render whole pages, it would be
nice if it were possible to access individual elements, such as boxes
of text or images, and have each rendered into a separate GIMP layer.
Currently, there isn't enough exposed to the glib bindings to make
this possible.

This initial version is downloadable at
http://rockwalrus.dyndns.org/~rockwlrs/gimp-poppler , and should be
buildable with the appropriate libgimp devel package.  I would very
much appreciate it if some poppler developers took a look at what is
there already and let their imaginations run wild.  :)

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