On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:32:35PM +1000, Roman Joost wrote:
> I've spend now quite some time on this and can't really reproduce what's
> wrong, because it seems to happen quite arbitrary. What I get is:
>     [PO]  po/ko/using.po
>     po/ko/using.po:2339: `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both begin with 
> '\n'
>     po/ko/using.po:2442: `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both begin with 
> '\n'
>     po/ko/using.po:3278: `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both begin with 
> '\n'
>     /usr/bin/msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
>     449 translated messages, 311 fuzzy translations, 314 untranslated
>     messages.
>     make: *** [po/ko/using.po] Error 70
>     make: *** Deleting file `po/ko/using.po'
> If I ran the build again, this error comes up with a po file in a
> different language. I wonder if it is a version problem of automake,
> i18ntools (e.g. msgfmt) or perhaps our customized version of xml2po.

Usually those strange error messages *really* mean that a po file is
broken and messes up everything...

> Any pointers appreciated.

Some fuzzy message strings make trouble.

msgformat worked for me when I called it without the "--use-fuzzy"

        msgfmt --check --statistics -o /dev/null po/ko/using.po

so you could try e.g.

        make ... MSGFMTFLAGS="--check --statistics"

Maybe we should simply remove this option?

However, with "--use-fuzzy" msgfmt reports line 1335, ...

        #: src/using/script-fu-tutorial.xml:446(programlisting)
        #, fuzzy, no-wrap
        msgid ""
        "   (\n"
        "        (x\n"
        "           '(\"GIMP\" (1 2 3) (\"is\" (\"great\" () ) ) )\n"
        "        )\n"
        "    )\n"
        "    x\n"
        "      "
        msgstr "김프 사용자 설명서가 없습니다."

... line 1415, ...

        #: src/using/script-fu-tutorial.xml:512(programlisting)
        #, fuzzy, no-wrap
        msgid ""
        "        (let*  (\n"
        "                  (a 1)\n"
        "                  (b 2)\n"
        "                  (c 3)\n"
        "               )\n"
        "               (list 5 4 3 a b c)\n"
        "        )\n"
        "      "
        msgstr "언어 목록"

... and line 2040:

        #: src/using/script-fu-tutorial.xml:1203(programlisting)
        #, fuzzy, no-wrap
        msgid ""
        "        (gimp-display-new theImage)\n"
        "      "
        msgstr "새 인스턴스로 김프를 시작합니다."

Hmm, meanwhile I'm quite sure that we should remove thet option...


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