Problem solved. The solution showed below.
> Ulf-D. Ehlert skreiv:
>> Kolbjørn Stuestøl (Wednesday, 10. February 2010)
>>> Hi list
>>> I have updated my copy of Cygwin with some new packages and after a
>>> couple of evenings all "git" and "make" commands works fine ---
>>>  except for the "make html-xx" (and perhaps make pdf-xx. Not tried
>>>  as it did not worked before the updating either).
>>> When running
>>> $ make html-nn
>>> I get these error messages:
>>> *** Making html for nn ...
>>> I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
>>> warning: failed to load external entity
>>> "
>>> " compilation error: file stylesheets/plainhtml.xsl line 8 element
>>>  import xsl:import : unable to load
>>> make: *** [html/nn/index.html] Error 5
>> It looks like your docbook-xsl package is not properly configured. 
>> Then xsltproc can't find out where the actual "chunk.xsl" is. So you 
>> should check your XML catalog(s).
>> For example, my docbook-xsl package contains an XML catalog file 
>> /etc/xml/docbook-xsl.xml (which is referred to by the main XML catalog 
>> file) with the lines
>>     <rewriteSystem
>>     systemIdStartString="";
>>     rewritePrefix="file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.75.2"/>
>> and
>>     <rewriteURI
>>     uriStartString="";
>>     rewritePrefix="file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.75.2"/>
>> (I guess the second line is important),
>> so xsltproc actually reads 
>>     /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.75.2/xhtml/chunk.xsl
>> when importing ".../chunk.xsl" in "stylesheets/plainhtml.xsl line 8".
>> HTH
>> Ulf
In case someone else run into the same problem:
I had to write the following lines into the file "etc/xml/catalog" to 
get the "make html-xx" work:


This solved the problem.
(The docbook-xsl-1.75.2 was installed by running Cygwin install).


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