Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce that the GIMP team has opened a new mailing list dedicated to discuss user interaction in GIMP, in particular graphical interaction.

This is a place to discuss of the future of GIMP interface and any
decision should lead to properly designed specifications for further
Anyone interested in participating should be aware of GIMP "product
vision", and works done in the previous years (cf.
http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign) since this is the
continuation of such works, and not a change of vision.

Of course, the same code of conduct (which you can read here:
http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) applies here, as on all other
mailing lists managed by the GIMP project.

The main other major place to discuss will be the good ol' main #gimp IRC channel on irc.gimp.org. There is no channel dedicated to UX discussion. I am not planning to make one for now, unless GUI discussion were starting to overflowing the main channel.

The gui.gimp.org wiki will contain researches, studies, specifications, work-in-progress info, etc. Accounts are to be asked to GIMP developers, but there is no need to rush and ask one right now, since we will have to discuss how to organize wiki collaboration first (to differentiate between proposed, accepted and finale specs in particular).

Have fun!



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