On Thursday 10 January 2008 23:08, D.Jones (aka) Capnhud wrote:
> (Joao wrote)
> Yu  draw a path, with the bezier curves tool, and create at least
> two strokes with it: that is two unconnected curves on the same
> bezier path.
> Tehn you call the plug-in. By active path I mean thispath has to be
> the one actve in the paths dialog.
> Forgive my naivety but I am not sure what you are meaning by two
> unconnected curves on the same bezier path.

Sorry for my poor wording. The bezier curves are grouped in GIMP in 
what is called a "vectors"  object. You can see them in the vectors 

You can draw a bezier line, and start another one, by holding shift 
(or control, I never remember which) down when clicking for a new 

There are indeed, two separated bezier curves, but belonging to the 
same "vectors"  gimp object. This object can be managed from the 
vectors dialog more or less lke layers can, and the one marked as 
active will be used by this script.

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