Hi all,

I have put up next version of the publishr plugin that uploads images to
Flickr/Picasaweb right from Gimp menu.

Download it from here <http://code.google.com/p/altcanvas/downloads/list>.

More info on wiki <http://code.google.com/p/altcanvas/wiki/GimpPublishr>.
Changelog for 0.5

This has some improvements in GUI to speedup the process of upload. Also it
has several bug fixes based on crash reports submitted in last version
(Thanks for submitting the crash reports, they were very helpful).

Give it a shot! Any comments and suggestions are welcome.


P.S. If you do not see the "Publish to web" option in menu even after
deploying the plugin and do not get any crashes either, make sure that Gimp
python is installed. One check to verify that is checking existence of
python directory in your Gimp installation directory (On windows C:\Program
Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\python, on Linuxes
/usr/lib[64]/gimp/2.0/python/). If it's not installed the plugin never gets
invoked (even though it shows up in startup splash screen) so it cannot
report that problem.
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