I would like to not get auto responses when you answer a list question. 
That would take the thoughtfulness of the list subscribers though,
wouldn't it?

Nick Lamb wrote:
> Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:
> > Cos it is. I though that only suscribed guys could post. If anybody can
> > post, it should be fixed now. I think that is most of readers would like.
> I like the idea of semi-moderated (non subscribers are moderated) lists
> but I don't have time to volunteer, so if no-one else likes that idea
> or XCF can't provide it, put me down for "subscribers only" too.
> Nick.


  ___              _ 
 / __|__ _ _ _ ___| |  We only acknowledge small faults in order  
| (__/ _` | '_/ _ \ |  to make it appear that we are free from 
 \___\__,_|_| \___/_|  great ones.           -- La Rouchefoucauld

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