On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 09:51:08PM -0700, Casey Connor wrote:
> I'm not the qualified person to respond to this, but: my understanding was
> that App-Image versions use that directory so as not to mess with normal
> installs, which is exactly how I would hope it would work... e.g. they're
> supposed to be 'portable' etc. but need to store their user settings
> somewhere, so... seems reasonable? The CCE uses yet a different directory:
> GIMP-CCE-AppImage...
> Or did you mean something else?

No, that is what I meant.  When I was fixing my own script yesterday
I had to remind myself where non-system scripts lived.  The online
tutorial mentioned ~/.gimp-2.8/scripts which is clearly out of date.

So, it seems there can be any number of possible directories in
~/.config for 2.10 - hopefully they all start 'GIMP' even if they
have a suffix.

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