
On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:50 AM Jennifer Smith via gimp-user-list <
gimp-user-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi
> When trying to click the update button in the about window of gimp,
> nothing happens.
> Is this the behavior when no update is available or did I find a bug?

I guess, you mean the "Check for updates" button (we don't have an update
button because GIMP is not able to update itself at this point), and yes if
there are no new releases, then it's normal that nothing happens. It will
only change to a button (which would send you to our download page if you
click it) if there is a new version.

Actually when I say "nothing happens", it's wrong. A small label just below
the button says "Last checked on <some date>". It should appear (if it was
not present) or the date should be updated each time you click the button.
If this doesn't happen, it means GIMP was not able to verify the release
listing (no internet? Something else?).

I guess we could add an error label (or small icon with tooltip showing the
network error) saying that the update check failed, when this happens.


> I use windows 10 and latest official gimp
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