Hello, my name is Pat Hammons & I live in Louisville, KY. I am a senior grad
student & senior (age 61) at U of L. I have been working on a 1-year grad
project that will become due at the end of April or 1st of May, that has
been extended into this year also. I started this project last year & my
class is an IS/RP (Independent Study/Research Project) so I am working on
this solo project myself & check in with my teacher either by phone, 1
monthly on-campus meeting or SKYPE.


My project is all the Homicides & Shootings that have happened in Chicago,
IL., that seen over 750+ Homicides & over 4000 Shootings last year alone.
What I am doing for a project is a massive Power-Point presentation that the
minimum is 50 slides & Max is 80 slides & will be presenting it to 2
classes, 1 undergrad & 1 grad class, plus getting a final grade.


I have amassed a lot of photos on either Homicides or Shootings in the last
year by using 2 main sources: CT-Chicago Tribune or CST-Chicago Sun Times
that I receive online thru their e-newspaper each day thru my e-mail. I also
have been following both of their web pages for Homicides & Shootings where
they will track this by numbers & where I can tap onto it that talks about a
specific story. 


What I have done is saved many of these images by doing a "Save Picture As"
under such things as: Crime Scenes, Homicides, Shootings, etc., and want to
incorporate them into my PP under different titles for each category(ies).
So at school, U of L, one of the people I talk to on a regular basis asked
me if I had Photoshop - I do not. So then they said, well you can "download"
GIMP & I had no clue what they were talking about. Since I sometimes get a
discount on software, I had to have them tell me a little bit about it. So
now I'm turning to you all for a better understanding of GIMP & if you think
I can use it at all for my grad school PP presentation I am getting ready to
start putting together. 


What I do have that may be similar to this is for my camera using EasyShare
Software when I download my pictures that I can resize, crop, red-eye out,
etc. **But I do have to advise you of a medical condition I have that may
help you to understand why I need some extra help. As I said, I am 61,
senior grad student - but I also have MD-D which is Macular
Degeneration-Dry, which is an inherited eye disease I got diagnosed with
2.5-3 years ago. My mother had it for the last 15 years of her life & she
died in 2012 at age 95. They thought I had beaten the odds on not getting it
& it was misdiagnosed as being part of my migraines I have had since my
early 20's. Come to find out it was not & that is why I was having trouble
reading my textbooks or taking tests, I could & cannot see stuff clearly
anymore. My mother had the "wet" version & never "dry" and she went Legally
Blind, which what I have is 1 step below going Legally Blind. So I am taking
(4) horse pills a day & (2) Fish Oil pills trying to save my sight & going
to the eye doctor every 6 months. I have to read my textbooks now as a PDF.
So everything in my life has changed & I need to see if your program would
be worth download & will I be able to learn it & see if big enough? 


I know this is a lot to unload on you guys here, but school suggested it
thru my counselor at the DRC-Disability Resource Center that helps me with a
lot of my schoolwork on getting things like my textbooks (now PDF's) or
taking tests to where say a 30-minute test online for me is extended to
1-hour because it takes me long to read the Q. I don't get extra help on
tests, I just get extra time, since I either know it or I don't kind of


So in closing, if you can please get back with me, I would deeply appreciate
it very much. I have a lot of ideas in my head on how I want to do this
massive project, but I want to make things "pop" in a way so that the class
is not bored looking at all numbers & spice it up a bit using extra stuff if
I can or like using animation icons, etc., but all dealing with police
themes that use Arrests, Homicides(chalk outline, crime scene tape),
Shootings (guns, etc.) and stuff like this. So I know it is a challenge but
I just need some extra help.  **I have Windows7 on my laptop which is an HP
Pavilion G7-2017 Notebook PC if this helps you in any way. Otherwise, I
don't know what else to do to maybe help me & someone suggested that I
download your program. So I thank you in advance & hope that you can help me
in some way. Thanks, Pat Hammons.

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