How do I get Gimp to print larger than postage stamp picts?

I have tried to research on line and just keep going in circles. Give me the 
good old printed manual over these on line things. Updates online are OK, but I 
am a book reader and due to injuries I cannot sit at the CPU for long periods 
of time. Have to keep shifting and walking around often.

Haven't used the program for long but I need a the very least 4x6" and larger 
when an image is worth printing larger. Got about 3000 4x6" sheets! Use this 
size for general stuff. 

Wanted to print larger today with Gimp, but after three postage stamps and no 
obvious instruction to print larger, I quit. Grabbed my home  shop made 4x5" 
film view camera and set off to do some coastal scenes. It's still more 
challenging and fun than digital! You really have to have a knowledge of light 
and other conditions to shoot film.

The late and great Ansel Adams saw this coming many years before it all took 
place...the digital age. But, even he felt that there would always be a place 
for the film enthusiasts who preferred the challenge. If memory serve me he 
constructed a huge view camera in his Carmel, CA home that used film sheets 
that were either 11x14 inches or 16x20 inches in size!

I, as I said, am a reader of books. The computer would not even be in my home 
if I hadn't needed it back in the '80s when I was still teaching and it became 
an (expensive) necessity in my life. I am slowly drifting away more and more 
from digital and back to my old faithful film darkroom. Got enough film, paper 
and supplies for at least 30 years. And more companies are selling them again. 
Sorry, did not mean to sound preachy!

Can you tell I was a teacher? Just keep babbling on! Ha!

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