On 6/10/19 3:26 AM, WIlliam Round via gimp-user-list wrote:
I have Been looking for information on the basic system requirements for
using gimp.

I have been looking at the gimp web site and trying to find information on
what would be a starting point for the system since I am looking at
purchasing a new computer.

This would be my play computer so I would use it for various things but I
do do a lot of photo editing using gimp and would like to make sure it
worked properly. I saw information on adjusting the cashe and file swap but
I couldn't find anything on system requirements.

Is there a link to that information that will help me in deciding on a new

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Depends a lot on usage. If you are editing the usual 20-30Mpix pictures
then the average system with 8GB RAM is going to be fine. Of course if
you do gigantic panoramas you'll have to get more RAM. Given the choice,
prefer a processor with few fast cores to a processor with a lot of slow
cores. If a laptop useful things are

* a built-in SD card reader (but it should work at USB3 speeds...)

* a decent screen (IPS screens normally have a better color response)

No need for a high-performance graphics card

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