On 08/18/2015 12:25 PM, ryan07 wrote:

> I can not open EPS files on GIMP, I get:
> GIMP Message Plug-in crashed: "file-ps.exe" 
> (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\file-ps.exe)
> I am running windows 7 professional 32 Bit, with the latest GIMP and latest
> Ghost (all 32 bit).

[ Etc. with no luck so far. ]

A work-around would be to open the EPS file in Inksacape and export
it as a PNG file, at whatever resolution you wanted to import the
EPS into the GIMP at.  Open the EPS file with the GIMP and viola.
Not quite as elegant as fixing the GIMP import issue, but it would
get the same end result.

Also, if Inksacpe won't open the EPS file(s) in question, that would
narrow the problem down to a shared library or etc. native to the
operating system, or (less likely) the EPS files themselves.



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