On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:30 AM, Owen <rc...@pcug.org.au> wrote:
>> I'm creating some textures for 3d models using gimp.  I've been
>> exporting as jpg
>> with quality set at 100, but the file sizes are humongous.  What do
>> you think is
>> the best setting to bring down the file size with no noticeable loss
>> of quality?
> Well, I would simply experiment and decide what is "best for you"
> Open original, export as new-name1.jpg at say 70%
> Then reopen original, and export as new-name2.jpg at say 60%
> and so on
> Most of my saves are at 50%
> Why jpgs? What sizes do you get with pngs?
It is indeed hard to give a perfect number out of the box.
The overall visual quality is very much dependent on what the image
actually depicts and on what kind of compromise you can tolerate.
A dirt texture can probably pull off a much lower quality than a
smooth gradient.
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