team wanted you to know that Issue #5 is now complete and posted on our website
at http://gimpmagazine.org.  


focus of this issue is photography but with a large digital arts gallery.  
Issue #5 is 92 pages and it is available:

As a
FREE Digital Download at http://gimpmagazine.org

An elegant online 
viewing experience at http://issuu.com/GIMPMagazine 

truly exceptional print version available at: http://gimpmagazine.magcloud.com

And an
iPad version for those Apple fans of GIMP Magazine also at MagCloud

All of this will be accessible from our website http://gimpmagazine.org


over 10,000 people who already follow GIMP Magazine:

Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/116869971719072318131/posts

Twitter www.twitter.com/GIMPMagazine 

Issuu http://issuu.com/GIMPMagazine


even subscribe to our website.


would be amazing if you could help spread the word!  On our website is our
logo and launch graphic if you want to include it in a tweet, a blog post
entry, or simply forward this to your team or friends.




Steve Czajka

Managing Editor, GIMP Magazine (http://gimpmagazine.org) ISSN: 1929-6894 

You should check out my portfolio at http://flickr.com/steveczajka or follow me 
on twitter at http://twitter.com/steveczajka
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