> Von: "Alessandro Francesconi" <alessandrofrancesc...@live.it>

>  Don't know if it's a bug or a feature.... but I need an explanation about 
> this behavior:
> I have a small icon with an indexed color palette: 
> https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9453825/4901180/1d1cd216-642f-11e4-97db-4f3a76ffdd7c.png
> You see, the edges of the icon are very sharp...

Actually, that is the bug in GIMP:

The image uses an indexed palette and an alpha channel. In GIMP 2.8, this 
limits the alpha to binary, i.e. fully opaque or fully transparent. If you look 
at the image in other application, it is smooth there already.

> Why does GIMP automatically smooth the edges when changing to RGB?

When you change the mode to RGB, the alpha channel is displayed as it is 
supposed to be.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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