On 06.01.2015 00:45, thebunnyrules wrote:
> Hello, I was on Gimp 2.8.14 (I'm on Win7 64bit sp1) and I was running into 
> this
> bug where I randomly loose the ability to click on various dialogue box
> interface items. Observed during resize, color change, rotate dialogues to 
> note
> only a few examples. It's not consistent. I can sometimes click on an element
> and then I can't.

Interference of a similar kind is known to be triggered by Kaspersky
Antivirus, Camtasia, SnagIt, Camstudio and allegedly TuneUp Utilities.

Doesn't have to be their fault, but some hints from any of them could
help to find the real cause (maybe somewhere in GTK+?).

If you run any of these, try to disable them for a while (with caution
in the case of Kaspersky, of course) and check if you can reproduce the

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