On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:12 PM, belljulia wrote:
> I opened gimpshop and my toolbox didn't pop up as it usually does. So I went 
> to
> the the windows tab and manually opened it. When I did this, the regular tool
> buttons were all there, but at the bottom where it usually has the
> specifications it was empty. II says "you can drop dockable dialogs here." 
> Also,
> when I click on the move tool, the separate tools option box  usually opens
> where I can select which part of my screen I want to move....this is missing 
> as
> well! I have no idea what happened or where it all went.

Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Tool Options

Once it appears, grab the title of the dialog that is right on top of
the options (not the title of the window) and drop it where it  says
"Drop here".


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