> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 at 3:22 PM
> From: "George Misdary" <ge...@yahoo.com>
> To: "gimp-user-list@gnome.org" <gimp-user-list@gnome.org>
> Subject: [Gimp-user] Undesirable File/Open Behavior
> OK, so I’ve noticed what seems to be a bug in GIMP. I’vegotten it to do this 
> three times now. 
> I’ll post it in a more appropriate location, once I confirmI’m not crazy.
> If I have a gimp session open, and have been working in itfor a while, I’ve 
> noticed that if I double-click on an XCF file, to open it;GIMP dumps my 
> existing open session, with NO warning whatsoever, and reopensanew, with the 
> requested image. 
> Any (unsaved) work done in the previous session simply…vanishes. 
> Subsequent attempts to open other XCF files from that pointon, just open a 
> new window, as expected; in the same session. 
> I’m not sure what it takes to trigger the other less desirable…let’s call it 
> ambitious open/file process, other than time. After it does this…thing, I can 
> open and close GIMP repeatedly and it works as one would expect –openinga new 
> window in the same session. But for some reason, after a session has beenopen 
> for a while (think days), clicking an XCF file to open it, causes theexisting 
> GIMP session to abort/abend/awhig-out?
> This is 2.8.14 on a Windoze 7 machine.
> Thoughts?

Well it doesn't behave like that with LinuxMint-17.2, maybe a Windows thing?

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