On 19/07/14 21:36, billn wrote:
attached is a copy of a file I am playing with and can not get it to full

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/128/original/gimp_forum.png

The selection applies to the whole image, it is not related to a specific layer. When you paint, the paint goes to the pixels that are both in the selection (more accurately, covered by the selection mask) and, of course, in the active layer. In your image, the selection is completely outside of the active layer ("Excellent screen") so if you try to paint in the selection, you are painting outside your active layer and if you try to pain on "Excellent screen" you are painting outside of the selection. In either case nothing happens.

Depending on what you want to do, select the other layer, or use Layer>Layer to image size to make "Exellent screen" cover the whole canvas.

This is somewhat item 2) in the check list.

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