Garry R. Osgood wrote:

> <right-mouse-button>->Dialogs->Input Devices...
> Select "wacom" Device

I see three diffrent devices: core pointer, stylus and eraser. Gimp also 
recognizes which tool is genrating the actual movement.

> Select "Mode" (screen maps the tablet rectangle to the entire screen;
> window maps it to the Gimp canvas window)

Here I see something odd - and maybe this helps solving the problem.
If I disable a device, the device is removed from the list of available 
devices but it still works - but only as a pointer with pressure=max or 
pressure=off, i.e. like a mouse.
And the mode "Window" and "Screen" does not matter where I can use the device.

Maybe it helps when I provide you with two snipplets from my XF86Config (it 
is for XFree 4.1):

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "wacom"
  Identifier    "stylus"
  Option        "Device"                "/dev/input/event1"
  Option        "InputFashion"          "stylus"
  Option        "Load"                  "wacomUSB"
  Option        "Mode"                  "Absolute"
  Option        "Name"                  "Wacom Stylus"
  Option        "Protocol"              "Auto"
  Option        "SendCoreEvents"        "on"
  Option        "Tilt"                  "on"
  Option        "Type"                  "stylus"
  Option        "Vendor"                "WACOM"
  Option        "TopX"                  "0"
  Option        "TopY"                  "2000"
  Option        "BottomX"               "20319"
  Option        "BottomY"               "14239"
  Option        "HistorySize"           "200"

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier    "Layout[all]"
  InputDevice   "Keyboard[0]"   "CoreKeyboard"
  InputDevice   "Mouse[1]"      "CorePointer"
  InputDevice   "stylus"        "SendCoreEvents"
  InputDevice   "eraser"        "SendCoreEvents"
  Option        "Clone"         "off"
  Option        "Xinerama"      "off"
  Screen        "Screen[0]"

Maybe in the ServerLayout section something is wrong, but I have found many 
example configurations like this.

  Michael Guse
Gimp-user mailing list

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