On 1/29/2010 3:25 AM, Deniz Dogan wrote:
> 2010/1/29 Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+g...@gmail.com>:
>> Well, that is its definition from the DTD, which is what the document
>> is describing in the first place. They are taking the whole DTD and
>> going over each part piece by piece. You forgot to include the rest of
>> the chapter which explains what all of that means and has several
>> pages of human-language descriptions, examples and explanations about
>> all of it. :)
> While I see your point, I hope you see mine! :)
> Imagine a newbie going to W3C to learn how to make basic websites.
> He/she shouldn't have to know about the charset, type, name, hreflang,
> rel, rev, accesskey, shape, coords, tabindex, onfocus or onblur
> attributes. What the newbie *really* needs to know is <a
> href="URL">Text</a>!

That is a good point, but again, one can skim and scan the W3C docs very
easily. Examples are numerous and easy to find (generally right after a
description of use).

Anyway, this discussion is way off-topic for this list, so for the
bottom line:

Use the right tool for the right job. GIMP and OOo are not meant as web
design tools (although you can probably get away with using both in a
pinch). OOo is an office suite and GIMP is an image manipulation
program. Depending on your platform, there is a ton of tools available
to get you going in the right direction without being complex or hard to
use. I even have a few recommendations:

NoteTab (requires at least basic knowledge)
CoffeeCup HTML Editor (free or paid version, both are awesome)
Notepad (requires at least basic knowledge)

vim (requires at least basic knowledge)
CoffeeCup HTML Editor[0]

I cannot recommend for Mac as I have no clue what's available. Of the
ones that I didn't mark as requiring basic knowledge, they all have a
list of tags and at least CoffeeCup has several wizards to get you going
on the right foot. The latest version for Windows also has a WYSIWYG mode.

vim and NoteTab both offer syntax highlighting to make up for the lack
of automation that the others provide (although last I checked, NoteTab
did offer a list of valid tags).

[0]: Last time I checked, there was a Linux version of CoffeeCup's HTML
editor, but it's been a while since I've looked at that. I generally
resort to vim on *Nix.
Yours In Christ,

Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.

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